The Brotherhood Of The Holy Shroud

The Brotherhood Of The Holy Shroud by Julia Navarro Page B

Book: The Brotherhood Of The Holy Shroud by Julia Navarro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Navarro
Tags: thriller
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our Christian brothers and sisters and attempts to force them to return to the worship of the old gods.
    "I fear for the shroud of Jesus; I fear that the grave cloth will be destroyed. Maanu has sworn to burn it in the marketplace before all the citizens of Edessa, and on the day of my death he will do just that. You, my friends, must save it."
    The five men listened in silence to the king's words. Josar looked at the queen, and for the first time he realized that the beauty that had always graced her was now fading and that the stray hairs one could see among the folds of her veil were silver. His lady had aged, although the brightness of her eyes was unchanged and her presence was as majestic as always. What would happen to her? He was certain that Maanu, her son, hated her.
    Abgar sensed Josar's concern. He knew of his friend's undying devotion to the queen.
    "Josar, I have asked the queen to leave the city as well. There is still time, but she will not listen."
    "My lady," said Josar, "your life is in more danger than ours."
    "I am the queen of Edessa, Josar, and a queen does not flee. If I must die I will do so here with my people, those who believe in the Christ as I do. I will not abandon those who have placed their trust in us, the friends I have prayed with. I will remain beside Abgar; I could not bear to abandon him to his fate in this palace. So long as the king lives, Maanu will not dare act against me."
    Abgar sat up on his couch, clutching the queen's arm. Over the last few days he and she had talked for hours, through the nights and until sunrise, devising the plan that the king was now about to explain to his most beloved friends.
    "My last command to you, my friends, is that you save the shroud of Jesus. Upon me it worked the miracle of life, enabling me to live to this old age that is now upon me. The sacred cloth belongs not to me but to all Christians, and it is for them that you must save it-and yet I ask that it not leave Edessa but that the city preserve it for all time. Jesus sent it here, and here it shall remain. The last loyal members of my guard maintain it in the first temple we built to him. Thaddeus, Josar, you will retrieve the shroud and deliver it over to Marcius. You, Marcius, will find a hiding place for it, to save it from the wrath of Maanu. Senin, I ask that you organize the flight of Thaddeus, Josar, and young Izaz. My son will not dare attack your caravans. I place my faithful subjects under your protection."
    "Where would you have me hide the shroud, Abgar?" asked Marcius.
    "That is for you to determine, my good friend. Neither the queen nor I must know, though you must choose one person to share the secret and put that person, too, under the protection of Senin. I feel my life ebbing away. I know not how many days remain to me, but I hope I may be given enough to allow you to carry out those things I have asked of you."
    Then, as dusk deepened into night, knowing it might be the last time, the king took his leave of them.
    The sun was just rising as Marcius reached the western wall. Workers were already there, awaiting his instructions. As the king's architect, Marcius was charged not only with constructing the buildings that gave glory to Edessa but also with overseeing all the public works in the city, such as this construction at the western wall, which was being broadened so that a grand ornamental gateway might be made in it.
    He was surprised to see Marvuz, on horseback, speaking with Jeremin, the overseer of the work.
    "Greetings, Marcius."
    "What brings the head of the king's guards to the wall? Has Abgar sent for me?"
    "I am sent by Maanu, who soon enough will be king."
    "He will be king if God wills it."
    The loud laugh that came from Marvuz echoed in the silence of the dawn.
    "He will be king, Marcius, he will be king, and you know that, for you were with Abgar last evening. You saw that his death is upon him."
    "What is it you want here? Speak quickly, for I have work to

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