The Broken Road (The Broken Series)

The Broken Road (The Broken Series) by K.S. Ruff Page A

Book: The Broken Road (The Broken Series) by K.S. Ruff Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.S. Ruff
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walking back to my desk.
shot me a curious look as I collapsed into my chair.
ask,” I muttered. I rolled my chair closer to the desk and eyed the sushi.
chuckled softly as he approached my desk. “So, these are chopsticks.”
gave him a dirty look. “I’m not a complete hick. I have eaten Chinese
food before.”
laughed loudly this time. “Okay. Then all you need to do is pour the packet of
soy sauce into this container of wasabi and stir it up. Pick your sushi roll up
with the chop sticks, dip it in the sauce, and pop it into your mouth.”
shook my head. “I don’t do soy sauce. Can I just spread the wasabi on top of
the sushi?”
mischievous look passed over Patrick’s face. “Sure. I don’t see why not.”
eyed him skeptically as I dipped my finger into the green paste. “It’s spicy,”
I noted, pleasantly surprised.
watched, clearly amused, while I spread the wasabi over the top of all six of
my sushi rolls. I popped a spicy tuna roll into my mouth. My eyes watered, and
my nose ran, but I loved the spicy taste. “It’s good,” I mumbled around the
sushi. “Really good.”
picked up his chopsticks as he settled back into his chair. “I’m glad you like
it. Now, about that pile of paperwork…”
* * * * *
I exclaimed to no one but Cade.
looked up at me with his warm brown eyes. He cocked his head to the side,
clearly questioning what all the excitement was about.
set my cell phone on the kitchen counter. “The furniture will be delivered in
less than an hour,” I explained.  
ears perked up as a soft knock sounded at the door.
gave Cade a curious look. “You off duty, my little guard dog?” I opened the
door and studied the young woman standing in front of me.
smiled. “Hi! I’m Kelly, the dog walker. We had an appointment to meet today.”
shook her hand, then motioned her inside. “Hi, Kelly. I’m Kri. Thanks for
coming over.”
must be Cade. Hi, little guy.” Kelly kneeled as she invited Cade to smell her
hand. He rolled over and showed her his belly instead. Kelly laughed softly.
“Want your belly rubbed?” She immediately indulged him in the request.
was pleased to see how well they were hitting it off. Cade was afraid of most
people, which was understandable given what he had been through with me. Cade
stood guard over me through some difficult times. He had been painfully unaware
of the damage that could be done to his little nine pound body when my
ex-husband’s fists and feet came flying at me.
wasn’t sure about this whole dog walking business, but I couldn’t expect Cade
to cross his legs and hold it all day, especially considering my long work
hours and the commute. I watched Kelly interact with Cade. Her references had
panned out. Everyone raved about her. Still, I wondered how I could trust a
stranger with the one thing I loved most in the world.
glad Cade likes you. He’s afraid of most people. He’s been through… a lot.”
nodded in understanding as she continued petting Cade.
called your references. Your clients obviously adore you; and I understand you’re
licensed and bonded.”
nodded again.
continued. “Cade means everything to me. I have to know that you’ll always have
a gentle hand with him. He nearly died at the hands of a groomer, and he was
injured by my ex-husband. I have to know that you’ll never hit him or hurt him
in any way.”
looked appalled that I would even suggest such a thing. “I’m so sorry to hear
that Cade’s been through all that. Please know that I would never hit any
animal under any circumstance.” Kelly’s voice was genuine as she continued to
stroke Cade’s belly. “Can I take him for a walk and explore the property today?”
I think that’s a great idea.” I handed Kelly the leash and showed her where I
kept Cade’s treats stashed. As the door

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