The Bright Black Sea
again. How close
we wanted to get to Azminn and how we wanted to fly around it had
to be determined. Tiladore, however, is only a planet away from
Sanre-tay and Sanre-tay was the first planet of call for Min's
former ship, Aurora so I had an an old hand on cross system
navigation next to me.
    'I'm wondering if you'll work up the course options
while I balance the ship and come up with the performance curve,' I
suggested, adding, 'You're the expert here on cross system
navigation. I've spent my entire career sailing the planetary
    She sighed. 'Really, Captain. I'd think a cross
system plot not be beyond your powers as a pilot.'
    'I'd like to believe so. But why should I waste your
time by running sims on all the possible courses when I have an
expert beside me who can lay down the most likely course with her
eyes closed? Besides, I'll still need to run the manifest data
myself. If we split the tasks we'll save time. I believe in
    'Point taken. I don't propose to spend the night
watching you reinvent cross system navigation. Let's see if there's
a clear optimal orbit...'she said mostly to herself and leaning
over the table, began laying out the course.
    While she explored alternative courses, I entered the
manifest data to calculate cargo weight, and using the ship's
thrust and burn rates to determined the fuel cost profile. I added
labor, insurance and depreciation cost to the various courses that
Min worked up. Working with quiet professionalism, we combined our
data to determine the optimal courses for three variations of speed
and prices for our proposal.
    I studied her going over the formal proposals one
last time. It had dawned on me that with the Ministry of Death
signing off, she now had the power to decide my status. With
prospects of sailing one way or another, my status needed to be
determined, soon. Turning it over in my mind, I saw no advantage of
letting it ride. I didn't think I'd be in better grace with her any
time soon.
    'This may not be the best time to bring this up,' I
began as she downloaded the proposal to her com link. 'but with
events now moving fast, I'm wondering if I'm advising you as
captain or as first mate?'
    'What would be the difference?' she asked after a
slight pause and a sidelong glance.
    'As first mate, I'd keep all my opinions to a simple,
Yes, ma'am I agree.'
    'And as captain?'
    'Well, as captain, I'd say I agree if I actually
agreed or If you think so, ma'am, if I thought you wildly off
course,' I replied, adding, 'I don't need an answer this moment,
but with the fate of the Lost Star seemingly settled and the
prospect of a charter looming, operational decisions will soon have
to be made and I am wondering if I need to concern myself with them
or not...'
    'Fair enough,' she said and paused. 'I don't know how
much leeway the Ministry is prepared to give me. I'd likely still
need to consult with them before replacing a captain, and make a
case for doing it. I'd have a hard time making that case seeing
that you've been captain for six months with a profitable voyage to
your credit. Still, whether or not they care, the fact is that
neither they nor I have any reason to replace you, based on your
performance. So the real question is, do you wish to continue on as
captain? I seem to recall some hesitation on your part. I believe
it's up to you to decide, Captain, not me.'
    I found, to my surprise, I'd no doubt what I
    'Despite my earlier misgivings, I seem to have rather
slipped into the role. So, if you're content to allow me the
choice, I'd be happy and grateful to continue on as captain,' I
replied with a surprising amount of happiness seeping in. The
worries would, I'm sure, return, but in that moment, it was only
    'Fair enough, Captain. I'm certain your shipmates
will approve as well, so we'll put that matter to rest. Now about
our proposals...'
    No hint of her opinion, but still, with that rather
off handed remark, I became Captain of the Lost Star

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