The Bridal Contract (Darrington family Book 3)

The Bridal Contract (Darrington family Book 3) by Sandra Sookoo Page B

Book: The Bridal Contract (Darrington family Book 3) by Sandra Sookoo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandra Sookoo
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and bolstered his courage. “Just a few days ago, Miss Hawthorne and I agreed to an engagement.”
    Charlotte squealed and clapped her hands. “How wonderful, but I don’t see a ring. Never say you’re having us on.”
    “We decided not to make use of that tradition,” he continued, smooth as silk. Though he did glance at that particular finger on Eloisa’s dainty hand and his chest tightened. What would it be like to see the evidence of his claim? He shook his head, again reminding himself this was naught but a farce. “Our relationship doesn’t need baubles.”
    This time, Roberta laid her spoon on the tablecloth. “Is that so?” Her lips formed a thin line. “Do you think that’s wise? You’ve been back in England scarcely a week. You don’t know any woman well enough to make an offer.”
    The annoyance deepened into anger. Why shouldn’t he wish to align himself with any woman he pleased? He lifted an eyebrow as he stared down his mother. “Oh, did that news shock you, Mother? I do apologize, but there is rather a lack of etiquette around the table tonight. Perhaps I should come clean with all of it.” He took a deep drink of his red wine. Then as he set the glass on the table, he said, “I also have a daughter, who was delivered upon my doorstep the very day I arrived in Brighton. She’s a by-blow from my Spanish mistress, yet not fathered by me, and though I haven’t decided if I’d like to raise her, for the time being she’s living with me at the Brighton property. Her name is Daniela, in case you had wondered.”
    He calmly reseated himself to dead silence. Every pair of eyes rested on him. And he stared them all down, firm in his resolve. This was his life, however sordid and dramatic it may be. “Would anyone like to ask questions before the main course arrives?”
    “Young man,” Roberta began. All color fled from her face and she fairly vibrated with anger. “I will deal with you in private after dinner concludes. I will not stand by and let you ruin your chances with all that you’ve revealed tonight.”
    “I haven’t ruined anything. With Eloisa by my side to guide me in the care and upbringing of the child, what could go wrong? She’s already shown an interest in Daniela and the girl adores her. It’s a perfect situation.” Oliver nodded. It was, actually. If he had to go and hadn’t decided what to do with Daniela, could he leave the girl with Eloisa?
    “I’m not a commodity, Oliver, and neither is the child,” Eloisa said in a quiet voice.
    Apparently not. “Well, everything is all very new. I’m certain we’ll work out the knots.”
    “Marriage can’t be considered lightly,” his sister interjected.
    He frowned. “Charlotte, will you treat me like a pariah?” It hurt that his favorite sibling would find fault with his life.
    His sister shook her head as she avoided his gaze. “You know I love to support a hopeless cause, but the news of a child shocks even me.” She raised her blue gaze to his. “Do you even care what this announcement will do to our reputation, of Felix’s position, of mine?”
    Of course he hadn’t thought past making a scene. Always, there was the earldom to consider, and apparently, there was Charlotte’s reputation now that she’d wed Ravenhurst. Botheration . Never had he felt more acutely as if he looked inside from the other side of a window. He shuttled his attention to Eloisa, the woman he’d dropped into the middle of this mess. Instead of appearing lost, a tiny smile flirted with her kissable mouth. Kissable? What a surprising thought. How curious, and of course he wouldn’t act on it. No doubt it was an aftereffect from the dinner. Some sort of desperate need to have what his siblings had. Yet, if he didn’t know better, he’d say she was enjoying herself. The corners of his lips pulled upward with an answering smile, but she remained silent as the soup dishes were cleared away. Perhaps they’d be a team, back to back,

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