The Breed
him. Was he too sick to move? Had he already died?
What would I do if I had to live my life without him?
    Please, big brother, I thought
desperately as I pounded and shouted at the door. Please, Lukas,
don’t be dead. Don’t be gone where I can’t follow.
    At last, just when I was about to give up in
desperation and go back to the front desk to try and get a key, I
saw the doorknob turn.
    “Lexie?” His deep voice sounded faint and
tired. “Is that you?”
    “Of course, it’s me. Let me in!” I pushed my
way into the room impatiently. Shutting the door behind me I turned
to face him…and gasped.
    Lukas looked terrible. His face was drawn and
his normally tan skin was ashen white. There were dark circles
under his black eyes, as though he hadn’t slept a wink. I had never
seen my big brother looking so ill, so frail . It scared the
hell out of me.
    “Come on.” Taking him by the shoulders, I
propelled him back into the bedroom. The bed was made up but I
could tell he’d been lying on it. Had he been too weak to get under
the covers? The thought of him lying there, curled on his side in a
ball, shivering all night made me want to cry.
    Lukas shambled over to the bed and collapsed
on it. He was wearing only a pair of black silk sleep pants and his
bare, muscular chest heaved painfully when he breathed. “If you
came to play nurse, it’s too late,” he said, his voice barely
audible. “I’m shutting down, Lexie. You’re just in time to say
    “Nobody is saying goodbye to anyone,” I said
sharply. “Come on, get up where I can look at you.” I forced him to
move up until he was leaning against the headboard. Then I propped
some pillows behind his back and sat on the bed beside him.
    “Thirsty,” he whispered. His eyes were hollow
and I could almost see him deteriorating right in front of me.
    “All right. I’ll find you something to drink.
Is there any water?” I started to look around, scanning the
nightstand and dresser for anything to drink but Lukas stopped me
by putting a hand on my arm.
    “Don’t need…water,” he whispered.
    I felt my stomach flutter as I understood
what he meant. What was it Sylvia had said? That he would need to
partake of my nectar? “I know what you need,” I whispered. Slowly I
pulled off my heavy coat and dropped it on the floor.
    “Looks like…you need it too,” Lukas
    I followed his eyes to the front of my white
shirt and saw what he was talking about. My nipples were tight and
dark, pressing hard against the transparent silk and a steady flow
of nectar was coming from them.
    “Yes,” I whispered, unbuttoning the blouse.
“I…I guess I do.”
    “Come here, Sis,” Lukas murmurs, his eyes
suddenly hot. “Let’s give each other what we need.”
    It wasn’t as hard to do as I had feared,
though I couldn’t help having some reservations. Despite my
realization that I had feelings for Lukas and the knowledge that he
was not, on a genetic level, really related to me, he still felt
like my big brother. It still felt wrong to straddle his thighs and
give him access to my bare breasts. To present my nipples to be
sucked. And yet, if I wanted to save him—as I so desperately did—I
would have to do this and more…much more.
    Trying not to think about that, I climbed
into Lukas’ lap and pressed one stiff nipple against his lips.
“Drink,” I whispered. “Take what you need, Lukas. I…I don’t
    With a low groan, he took my tight nipple
between his lips and began to suck. I moaned as well, feeling the
fullness in my breast ease considerably as he nursed urgently at my
engorged peak.
    Ever since Lukas had come back into my life,
this had been almost familiar to me. The tug of his hot mouth on my
breast, the delicious pleasure that ran from my nipples to the hot
spot between my thighs. But this time it was different—because this
time I let myself participate.
    Instead of just sitting there, watching in
horror as my big brother

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