The Bottom Line
    When I woke up the water was still acceptably warm and Juliet was standing over me, a bar of soap in her hand. ‘Really,’ she said, ‘do I have to do everything for you?’
    The question seemed not to need an answer, so I lay back languidly while she soaped my arms, my legs and my chest. Then she said, ‘I can’t reach the interesting bits. If you want me to wash them as well you’ll have to kneel up.’
    So far the attention had been extremely enjoyable without being erotic, but those words were enough to stiffen not only my sinews. I obediently knelt and spread my knees, so that Juliet could direct her ministrations towards the more ‘interesting bits’, as she put it. For the next few minutes she washed me very thoroughly and very intimately. I expected to be hauled out of the bath and quickly dried so that my state of obvious readiness could be turned to account, but she motioned me to lie back in the water.
    Then, using the low bathroom stool to kneel on to give her the position she needed, she knelt right over me and fed one of her lovely breasts into my mouth. Clutching in one hand as much of it as was possible and sucking avidly, I placed my other hand on her bum, both to secure her on the stool and also to enjoy feeling her. No sooner had I done this, however, than Juliet took very firm control by wrapping one hand around my erection and rubbing it up and down, pressing it tightly against my stomach as she did so. And so I had it all: a tasty mouthful, a handful of whatever I fancied and a deliciously soap-assisted wank.
    The rest of the evening passed pleasantly and the following day was uneventful. It was around nine in the evening when our return flight finally took off, and I was very pleased to have had the foresight to book a room in the hotel near the airport. Juliet phoned Harvey while we were waiting to tell him when to expect her the following day. Then we enjoyed our flight, collected our cases, caught the courtesy bus and found our room.
    By now it was too late to do anything other than get ready to go to bed, but it was obvious to both of us that we should celebrate our trip in the best possible way, so I opened the half bottle of champagne in the mini-bar and we both prepared for action, not even pausing to unfasten our suitcases. The preliminaries took their usual form but Juliet surprised me by pushing my hand firmly between her legs and motioning to me that she wanted me to bring her off by hand. ‘You seemed to enjoy it yesterday evening,’ she explained, ‘so I thought I’d try it today. And you can have me any way you like afterwards.’
    So there I was, thrusting from behind with both hands full to overflowing of manna from heaven, Juliet’s bum cushioning my exertions and thinking that this was how the world should end, not with a whimper but a bang, when I became aware that something was very wrong. I didn’t at first know what it was, but there was a sense of being observed. Without pulling out, without even releasing my grip, I turned my head, and standing there watching us, his hands on his hips and a broad grin on his face, was a mountain of a man.
    I dropped my hands and tried to disengage myself fully, but the mountain spoke. ‘Whoa there,’ it said, ‘now don’t be discourteous to the lady. You finish what you’re doing and then we’ll have a little chat afterwards.’
    But by now Juliet had turned her head too, and shrieked. ‘Harvey!’
    â€˜Hello, honey,’ he said. ‘Thanks for phoning. I guessed this was where you’d be and the rest was easy.’
    I climbed off the bed, pulled myself as upright as I could, puffing out my chest, conscious of the fact that it was impossible to look dignified or threatening with a raging erection, and muttered something totally ineffectual. I was conscious also of the fact that Harvey could probably break me in two if he wanted to,

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