The Boarding House

The Boarding House by Sharon Sala Page B

Book: The Boarding House by Sharon Sala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Sala
thump as they dropped the flat tire to the side, and then the spare went on. In no time, the car was being lowered. One of them stayed behind to tighten the lug nuts and replace the hubcap, while the other one loaded up the flat. As soon as the last bolt was tightened, he put the lug wrench back in the trunk, then slammed it shut.
    They walked past her, giving her a thumbs-up and a wink, and then got in their car and drove away.
    Ellie was still shaking when she got her cell phone out of the purse. She counted the rings until Daddy answered.
    “Hello? Ellie, I’m sorry. I’m at a red light. I should be there in about five minutes.”
    “It’s okay. Some people stopped and helped me change the flat. I’m starting the car and heading home right this minute.”
    Garrett breathed a sigh of relief. “I’ll pull in at the pharmacy parking lot until I see you drive past and then follow you home.”
    “Okay, and thanks. Sorry I had to get you out.”
    Garrett sighed. “That’s what daddies are for.”
    When she hung up, it was with a heart was so full of joy she wanted to sing. But it wasn’t because of Daddy, or even the two boys who’d stopped to change her flat. For the first time in her life God had answered a prayer.
    By now, it was almost dark. She turned on the headlights before she pulled out of the parking lot.
    “Thank you, God. Thank you very much. And if you see Momma anytime soon, tell her I’m doing the best that I can.”
    She drove home with a light heart, telling herself that things just might be turning around. She knew when Daddy pulled in behind her and followed her home, and for one of the few times in her life, didn’t mind.
    They pulled into the driveway, one behind the other and got out nearly at the same time. Ellie knew he was going to hug her. She stood her ground and let it happen, even though she would have preferred it not be the case.
    “Sweetheart. I’m glad you’re okay. Come inside. You must be chilled.”
    Ellie nodded as they entered the house. “They put the flat tire in the trunk,” Ellie said.
    “I’ll drop it off at the garage on Monday on my way to work. I made tuna sandwiches. Are you hungry?”
    “Yes, but I want to change out of this uniform first. I’ll be right back.”
    She could hear him rattling dishes and glasses as she headed for her room. Even though she knew he was in the kitchen, she still locked her bedroom door before she stripped.
    She would have liked to shower before putting on other clothes, but didn’t want to take up too much time and have him come looking for her. She put on a pair of sweats and a long-sleeved T-shirt, slid her feet into some house shoes, then stopped by Sophie’s door and knocked before poking her head inside. Sophie had the television turned up to what Wyatt called blastoff.
    Ellie ran over to the rocker. “I’m back from work. Daddy has sandwiches in the kitchen. Come eat with us.”
    Sophie hit the mute button on the remote. “What did you say?”
    “I said come eat.”
    Sophie nodded. “Be right there.”
    Ellie was almost skipping as she headed for the kitchen.
    “Just in time,” Daddy said. “Do you want soda pop or iced tea?”
    “Tea, please and make another one for Sophie. She’s on her way.”
    A shadow passed over his face, but he didn’t comment. Instead, he filled a third glass with ice and tea, added another plate and then set the sandwiches on the table.
    Sophie took a seat at the table with Ellie.
    Garrett sat across the table.
    Ellie looked up. He hadn’t set a place for himself.
    “Aren’t you eating?”
    “I already ate a sandwich when I was making them. Help yourself.”
    Ellie served sandwiches to Sophie and herself, then dug a handful of potato chips from the bag and divided them on their plates.
    “So who were the people who stopped to help you?” Garrett asked.
    Ellie shook her head as she reached for a napkin. “I don’t know. I did like you said and got in the car and locked myself

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