The Black Sheep and the Princess

The Black Sheep and the Princess by Donna Kauffman Page A

Book: The Black Sheep and the Princess by Donna Kauffman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Kauffman
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know.” Then a troubled look crossed her face. “That’s not why you left the force, is it? Was it not by your choice?”
    â€œDon’t worry, it was by my choice,” he said. “Ask Rafe, or Finn, if you don’t believe me.”
    â€œAgain, that’s like asking Mo and Larry to back up Curly.”
    â€œVery funny. And how come I get to be Curly?”
    â€œMen,” she muttered, maybe a little impatiently.
    â€œCall my old precinct, then. I made detective before I turned twenty-five. I was even decorated a few times.” Though he’d never once mentioned that to anyone else. What was it about Kate that tweaked at those still twitchy, vulnerable parts of him anyway?
    â€œBut ultimately, I guess it was the rules that sent me to the private sector. I have a lot more…flexibility now.”
    She shot him a sideways glance. “Working with Rafe and Finn and a bottomless bankroll? Oh, I just bet you do. You know, maybe I should rethink this whole thing. More legal trouble I don’t need.”
    Legal trouble? So, maybe there was more going on with Shelby and their little deal than she’d alluded to. He wisely kept the question to himself. For now. But he added it to the list of things to look into once they reached Ralston. “You forget, I didn’t ask your permission to stay here.”
    â€œIf you plan on staying on my property, you’re going to need it. I may seem like a foolish, naïve woman, but I assure you, I can take care of myself. Have been for years. If you step foot onto my property again without it, you can continue this conversation up close and personal with the business end of my shotgun.”
    He grinned at that. Kate Sutherland, all feisty and loaded for bear. He rather liked it. “I might just do that.”
    â€œFine,” he said quite agreeably, which only made her scowl deepen. “You know, maybe you should consider doing some target practice, though.”
    She shot him a look. “Why, do you think I’ll need it?”
    â€œNot for me. I was just thinking that if the person getting his kicks out of plastering the place with Day-Glo paint knew you were armed and dangerous, he might think twice about messing with you.”
    â€œYou really don’t think I have a gun, do you?”
    â€œDo you?”
    She pulled ahead, banging the truck over the tracks a little more heavily than necessary. “You’re still insufferable. That much hasn’t changed.”
    He didn’t laugh outright, but it cost him. “Just trying to help,” he said, ever-so-conversationally. “Coming from someone with some experience being on the business end of a firearm, for the gun threat to work, the person being threatened has to actually believe they’re in danger of being shot.”
    â€œWho said I wouldn’t pull the trigger?” The look she gave him was surprisingly…homicidal.
    Huh. He leaned back in his seat and adjusted his seat belt a bit tighter as she continued to take the road leading into town a tad too fast.
    â€œOkay. What are they?”
    â€œWhat are what?”
    â€œThe rules.”
    She shot him another quick glare. “Dare I even bother?”
    â€œPlease dare. I mean do,” he added, unable to keep from smiling. She was cute when she scowled. He was smart enough to keep that opinion to himself, however. He’d remained bullet-hole-free all these years for a good reason.
    She stewed for another couple seconds, then finally blurted out, “Here’s the deal. You’re right, it would be unwise of me not to take you up on your offer of help. I’ll tell you what you need to know, but I’ll expect to be totally involved in, and approve of, any steps you take.”
    He waved his hand. “Boring rule. Next.”
    She lifted one eyebrow.
    â€œWe’ll talk it through,” he said, attempting to sound as if he were

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