The Black Moth

The Black Moth by Georgette Heyer Page B

Book: The Black Moth by Georgette Heyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgette Heyer
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    "I am. Is it a presumption on my part?"
    "My dear Frank, when I am sorry for myself you may be sorry too. Until then—"
    "When that day comes I shall no longer pity you."
    "Very deep, Frank! You think I shall be on the road to recovery? A pretty conceit. Luckily, the happy moment has not yet come–and I do not think it is like to. We appear to have arrived."
    They were standing outside one of the tall houses where Fortescue lodged. He turned and grasped his friend's shoulders.
    "Tracy, give up this mad life you lead! Give up the women and the drink, and the excessive gaming; for one day, believe me, you will overstep yourself and be ruined!"
    The Duke disengaged himself.
    "I very much object to being man-handled in the street," he complained. "I suppose you still mean well. You should strive to conquer the tendency."
    "I wonder if you know how insolent is your tone, Belmanoir?" asked Fortescue steadily.
    "Naturally. I should not have attained such perfection in the art else. But pray accept my thanks for your good advice. You will forgive me an I do not avail myself of it, I am sure. I prefer the crooked path."
    "Evidently," sighed the other. "If you will not try the straight and narrow way, I can only hope that you will fall very deeply and very honestly in love; and that the lady will save you from yourself."
    "I will inform you of it when it comes to pass," promised his Grace. "And now: good-night!"
    "Good-night!" Frank returned the low bow with a curt nod. "I shall see you to-morrow–that is, this morning–at the Baths?"
    "Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof," was the smiling rejoinder. "Sleep soundly, Frank!" He waved an ironic farewell and crossed the road to his own lodgings, which stood almost directly opposite.
    "And I suppose you will sleep as soundly as if you had not a stain on your conscience–and had not tried your uttermost to alienate the regard of the only friend you possess," remarked Frank bitterly to the darkness. "Damn you, Tracy, for the villain you are!" He walked up the steps to his own front door and turned the key in the lock. He looked over his shoulder as a door slammed across the street. "Poor Devil!" he said. "Oh, you poor Devil!"
    WITH John Carstares the winter had passed quite uneventfully. He continued his highway robbery, but he made two bad blunders–not from the point of view of a thief, but from that of the gentleman in him. The first was when he stopped an opulent looking chariot, which he found to contain two ladies, their maid and their jewels, and the second when the occupant of a large travelling coach chanced to be an old gentleman who possessed far greater courage than physical strength. On the first occasion my lord's dismay had been ludicrous, and he had hastily retired after tendering a näive apology. The old gentleman in the second episode had defied him so gallantly that he had impulsively offered him the butt end of one of his pistols. The old man was so surprised that he allowed the weapon to fall to the ground, where it exploded quite harmlessly, sending up a cloud of dust and smoke. Carstares then begged his pardon most humbly, assisted him back into his coach, and rode off before the astonished Mr. Dunbar had time to collect his wits.
    The robbing was not carried out in a very scientific manner, for, as has been seen, Carstares could not bring himself to terrorise women or old men, and there only remained the young and the middle-aged gentlemen, one of whom Jack offered to fight for the possession of his jewels. His challenge was promptly accepted by the man, who happened to possess a strong sense of humour, and probably saw a chance of saving his belongings in the offer. He had been speedily worsted, but Carstares was so pleased with a particularly neat thrust which he had executed, that he forwent half the booty, and the pair of them divided the contents of the jewel-box by the roadside, the sporting gentleman keeping

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