The Billionaire's Weekend Bride

The Billionaire's Weekend Bride by Kimmy Love Page B

Book: The Billionaire's Weekend Bride by Kimmy Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimmy Love
of what you think Damian thinks of you now,” Bibi said. Sonia stopped sobbing and looked at her friend.
    “Oh Bibi, what is wrong with me? I knew that once he'd done his deal, Damian would fly out and I'd never see him again. I'd made up my mind I'd be strong and move on, but if you saw Damian's face when he saw that report. It was there in his eyes, even if he says he doesn't think I'm a hooker, I could tell that the news item changed his mind. I felt terrible about him thinking that way about me – believing I was some sort of tramp. After all we've been through, that's the one thing that just breaks my heart.”
    “Come on, Sonia. You heard what he said. He stuck up for you. He told the Merrimans it wasn't true.”
    “But do you think he's really convinced or was there doubt in his mind? You didn't see the look on his face when he asked me what I was doing there.”
    “You know what I think,” Bibi said, scraping her chair closer and hugging Sonia. “I think that because he came all the way here, he must know the truth. You wouldn't have seen him for dust if he truly believed that about you. Now come on, Sonia. We've been through this. You have to stop crying, you'll make me start. It was your choice to not pursue a relationship with Damian. And that's how it's going to be. Especially now. So, you see, it turns out the way you wanted.”
    “I know,” Sonia said. “But I never thought he'd leave here with the wrong impression of me.”
    “Honey, if you're that concerned about what he thinks, there is a way you can change that.”
    “What do you mean? It's too late now.”
    “It's not too late. He's still in New York. You could go to see him and you could put the record straight. If you want to be completely convinced he knows the absolute truth about you, go and tell him why you were there that night and how you took that job in all innocence.”
    Sonia pulled herself up from the table. She was unsteady on her legs and felt weak. She still hadn't eaten all morning and her blood sugars were low.
    “I want to tell him the truth. But right now I'm just emotionally drained. I'm not even sure what time his flight is and when he'll be leaving for the airport.”
    “I'm sure you've got time to catch your breath, Sonia. Compose yourself, eat something. Even have a little rest. In fact,” Bibi said rising and putting an arm around Sonia, “you go to your room and lie down. I'll fix you something to eat and then you just sleep. Once you're awake, have a clear head, then you do what you need to do to make yourself feel better about this whole fiasco. Okay?”
    “Okay, I'll do that. Thanks, Bibi, I don't know where I'd be without you.”
    Bibi gave her a big hug and led her to her bedroom.
    After eating, they sat and carried out a postmortem of the whole week of events. But in the end, Sonia was positive she needed closure and wanted to see Damian a final time before he left.
    “And I'm coming with you,” Bibi said. “But for now, you just rest.”
    Sonia lay her head on the pillow and complete exhaustion made her fall into a deep sleep.

The Final Chapter
    Sonia's head was thumping when she opened her eyes. Her eyelids felt heavy and she was feeling groggy. It was as if she'd just slept a for a million years on an uncomfortable bed on a ship in the middle of a storm.
    She'd lost all track of reality and didn't even know what day it was. She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the sun pouring in from her window. She figured out she had woken on the same day but wasn't sure.
    Blinking several times, as if she could blink the heaviness of her eyes away, the events of the morning came flooding back.
    Sonia dragged her head off the pillow and rested on her elbow and tried to focus on the room around her. All that crying had made her a wreck and she dreaded looking in a mirror. Then the panic set in as the events from earlier that day came

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