dick sinking into her moist warmth, her walls forming a slick, extra-tight sleeve, he made himself keep going until he had broken her completely in and was buried inside her to the hilt, pausing a moment.
When he opened his eyes again, he realized she was looking at him with a mixture of shock and desire and he could wait no more.
He pulled back a bit slowly, taking his first step to finding his rhythm with her.
He knew he could still hurt her if he moved too fast or suddenly thrust too hard, so he moved his cock out about halfway before pushing it back in.
He kept up the gentle rhythm for a few more strokes, then, when he felt his body begin to change pace against his will, he leaned forward to pull her neck between his lips and started fondling her wet pussy again, brushing his finger across her clit and making her contract and writhe helplessly at the teasing sensations.
He felt her nearing that edge again, and knowing there was no way he wouldn’t come with her, he started moving even faster, squeezing their bodies together hard as he pushed deep, as if trying to invade her chest cavity with his dick.
She cried out helplessly, and he felt her orgasm building, her walls gripping him even tighter, her legs wrapping around him, and it shoved him nearer to the edge.
Her moans and the beginning contractions of her orgasm finally unraveled him, and soon, he was coming inside her with final, powerful thrusts as her body continued to squeeze his erupting, throbbing cock, her juices gushing all around him and sending him to a place that could only be described as heaven.
He was reduced to sensation, his hearing as if he were on a plane and succumbing to cabin pressure, his eyes not quite working properly—darkness and stars before him as if he had over-exerted himself on a mountain hike and was about to black out.
His toes had curled so hard, he wasn’t sure they’d ever straighten out again, and Naomi’s body was holding on to him so tightly, he ridiculously thought that if he moved one muscle, his dick would break off and get stuck inside her.
He collapsed on top of her, more than happy to stay buried in her as long as he could, unwilling to leave her side overnight.
Heck, she’d be lucky to get rid of him at all after this.
Chapter 14
N aomi never would have predicted it—her first time with a gorgeous hunk of a billionaire in a stunning mansion on the most wonderful, expansive bed she’d ever slept on?
It was unfathomable. Impossible.
Yet it had happened.
Jenna’s first time had been with some guy she met at a bar that she got into using a fake ID.
The guy didn’t even take her to a motel or anything—he just took her in his old car, promising to call the next day and never did.
“The worst part was he wasn’t even all that hot,” Jenna had said. “We had a good conversation and he seemed sort of nice and had a cool personality, so I was like, why not? Ugh! I wish I had waited.”
Jenna’s experience sure helped Naomi wait.
Then there was Melissa—another girl from their group home.
She shared having her first time under the bleachers at school.
Another girl she knew at least got to do it in bed—at the guy’s house while his parents weren’t home.
Then they had to scramble for their clothes when the parents came home sooner than expected.
Naomi stared at the beautiful, sleeping man next to her, breathing deeply and looking content.
Yup—could have been a lot worse for her.
She more than lucked out for her first time—she hit the jackpot.
Before she knew it, she had fallen asleep too, a smile on her face.
“ O h no , we missed breakfast!” Naomi said, noticing it was after eight a.m. and earning a hearty laugh from a rumpled but still beautiful Kevin.
“You do know that I’m the master of this house, right? That breakfast, lunch, dinner is whenever, wherever, and however I want it?”
Naomi felt her cheeks flush.
“My god, you’re adorable,” he said
Mary Hoffman
César Aira
Erin Bowman
Mike Brooks
Diana Dempsey
Michael Sutherland
Madison Johns
Juliette Sobanet
Sasha Moore, Anita Cox
Pete Hautman