him to help to wedge a frame pack into the passenger seat of the
I went over to help so
that we could get moving, “Not a lot of room in there, huh? Why
don’t you find some rope and strap it to the top of the Humvee with
our gear? It will give Batman a little more leg room.”
Thurman pulled the pack
out and dropped it on the ground, “Thanks, that will help a lot. I
know the car’s not practical, but Herman had to have it, and I feel
bad about not telling him mom is dead. We’ll keep it until we can
find something a little bigger. We can’t travel south, down the
east coast in this thing.”
“That’s a good
idea,” I said, “how are you guys doing with weapons and ammo?”
“We don’t have
anything quite as good as you,” he said, motioning to my slung M4,
“ but we’ve got a couple hunting rifles. One’s a 308, and the
other is a .30-.30 Winchester. It’s lever action like cowboys used
to carry.”
I chuckled, “I bet
our Cowboy would get a kick out of it.”
“He’s more than
welcome to try it anytime he wants, as long as he lets me take a few
shots with that sniper rifle.” Thurman offered.
“I’m sure that can
be arranged, but for now, get your pack loaded on the Humvee. As soon
as you’re done, we’re heading out of here.”
“Sounds good, Ty.
Herman and I will be ready in five minutes.”
Thurman grabbed the
pack and walked away heading toward the Humvee.
Mom must have let
everyone know we were leaving. They were already circling the
vehicles except Chevy. He sat on the ferry railing staring at Thurman
as he tied his pack to the top of the Humvee.
I wandered over out of
curiosity, “Hey, what’s up brother?”
“I don’t like
them,” Chevy said.
“You don’t like
“Dumb and Dumber.”
“Whom are you taking
about?” I asked.
“Whom do you think?
The new guys, there’s something about them. I just can’t put my
finger on it.”
“I think you’re
just being paranoid, Chevy. The one guy got creamed with a car when
he was a kid, and his brother is just trying to take care of him.”
“I don’t care about
the Batman kid. It’s the other one, what’s his name? Thurman.
Don’t you find it strange that everyone in Port Kent is dead except
for Batman and his brother?”
“Chevy, what the hell
are you talking about? They’re stuck in the middle of this thing,
just like we are. There’s no one left in Port Kent because they all
turned into zombies or got eaten by them. Just like in Plattsburgh. I
think you need some sleep.”
“Damn it, Ty. I don’t
need any sleep. Trust me on this one.”
“Okay, Chev. I’ll
keep a close eye on them, but you can’t treat everyone we meet like
they’re the enemy.”
“What about, Kane?”
What about him?”
“How many other
crazies do you think there are out here? I know he’s not Kane. But
there is something about him. I can’t put my finger on it. All I’m
asking is you is just to keep an eye on him.”
I threw my arm around
Chevy’s neck, “You got it, brother. You know I’d do anything
for you. If you think there’s something up with him, then I will
watch him like a hawk. Now come on, let’s get the fuck out of
Herman and Thurman got
into the Ferrari and took the lead. I hopped in the driver’s seat
of the Humvee so Chevy could navigate and get a little shuteye. He
was on edge about the new guys. Mom, Sage, Sidara, Luther, and
Charger squeezed into the back of the Humvee while Cowboy and Sophie
took up the rear of the convoy in the jeep.
What was going on with
Cowboy and Sophie? I’d have to ask Cowboy at the next stop.
“Why don’t you try
to get some sleep,” I said to Chevy.
He gave me a wink,
crossed his arms, and slid down into the passenger’s seat.
The Two-gun clan was on
the move. I followed as the Ferrari climbed the ferry road, leaving
the dock. I admired the sheer sexiness of the vehicle but thought red
suited me better. If Thurman wanted to shoot an
Ramsey Campbell
Ava Armstrong
Jenika Snow
Susan Hayes
A.D. Bloom
Robert Wilde
Mariah Stewart
Maddy Edwards
Don Pendleton
Sulari Gentill