The Bedeviled Heart (The Highland Heather and Hearts Scottish Romance Series)
occasional monk crossing into the town of Stirling.
    As they strolled down the tree-bordered road, Kate chattered of her dreams, childhood, and her father. “And now perhaps I can journey to Dunfermline, to the Pilgrim’s Well at St. Fillans. ‘Tis said the water can even heal blindness!”
    “Truly?” Cameron murmured, tracing his thumb over the tips of her fingers. ‘Twas pleasant to hear the soothing sound of her voice while enjoying the warmth of the sun upon his face. He couldn’t recall the last time he had felt so at ease.
    “’ Tis worth trying, is it not?” she asked.
    There was hope in her voice. “Aye, it cannot hurt to try.” He caressed her hand in a comforting gesture.
    With a fierce smile, Kate slipped her fingers out of his and pointed to the edge of the road. “Last year, I’m told that lovage and pearlwort grew here. We might find some new leaves. Follow me, lad, and be quick!”
    The next hour was the most enjoyable that Cameron could recall in some time. He climbed as Kate directed, nipping tender leaves and pulling roots, caking his cloak and boots in mud as the spring sun shone on the ancient forest bursting with signs of new life.
    Kate was lively and filled with spirit. Artfully slipping away each time he tried to steal a kiss, she tossed her hair and sent him secretive smiles, until at last, standing on a muddy bank, she beckoned him close. “Give me a hand now, will ye? I canna slip and ruin this dress more than ‘tis already!” Ruefully, she lifted the muddy hem of her gown, but higher than was truly necessary and enough to playfully flash her ankle.
    Lowering his lashes, he reached up and yanked her roughly into his arms. With his heart pounding with desire, he planted another kiss full upon her lips, and as ever, she responded enthusiastically. Dropping her basket to the forest floor, she entwined her arms firmly about his neck, returning the passion in full measure, her heart beating rapidly against his chest.
    Aye, he was a fool.
    The passionate blood of the Stewarts ran through his veins.
    He had no power to walk away, and apparently, neither did she. He caught his breath and tore his lips away as a hideous thought crossed his mind.
    Had he cursed her already?
    An unpleasant chill ran down his spine.
    “What sadness do ye hide?” Kate’s soft voice broke into his tortured thoughts. “I wish ye could share your burden.”
    He hesitated, and then allowed the bitter words to fall from his lips. “My touch is death, lass. I was wed afore and … they died … untimely deaths.”
    “They?” Kate stepped back, dropping her gaze to her feet.
    “Aye, one or two ...” Cameron cleared his throat uncomfortably. How could he say seven? Suddenly, it was important to add, “But I never loved them. I never chose them. The marriages were arranged—”
    “Arranged?” Kate drew her brows into a frown. “What band of outlaws are ye involved with, Cameron?”
    At that, he couldn’t resist a perverse smile. “Outlaws of the worst kind, Kate.” Aye, now that she mentioned it, the nobles in the land were indeed far worse than any band of outlaws he knew of. His smile widened.
    “But ‘tis no laughing matter!” Kate did not share his mirth. “Ye must run from them!”
    He shook his head with a touch of annoyance. “’Tis not possible. I’ve tried. They always find me, lass.”
    “But ye canna have them rule ye so!” Kate insisted. “Surely, ye can escape! Is your master the outlaw I saw at the Brass Unicorn?”
    “Julian?” Cameron’s lip twitched. Suddenly, it was difficult not to laugh. “No! Julian is a … friend. My master is … a fool ruled by a treacherous lapdog, and I’ll not rest until I unmask the cur for what he is.”
    She stared at him, and then her eyes sparkled. “Ach, I knew it. Ye   are   an honorable thief, just like Robyn Hode! But will ye leave after ye reveal this lapdog’s wicked ways for all to see?”
    “Aye.” Cameron sighed. For a

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