The Bear King's Captive: Curvy Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance

The Bear King's Captive: Curvy Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance by Milly Taiden Page A

Book: The Bear King's Captive: Curvy Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance by Milly Taiden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Milly Taiden
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for. She hated the dress she had to wear.
    Emerging from the darkness, a strange man held a shotgun and looked down on her. He had one blue eye, one brown eye. They burned a hole into her soul. She would never forget them as long as she lived.
    The man rested the two gun barrels against her forehead.             
    “Leah, run! Hide!” The sawed-off metal end scraped across her skin. Simultaneous shots blasted in the hall. She screamed, squeezed her eyes shut and balled up on the floor. She prayed God would take away the bad man. Daddy told her bad men liked hurting people, and he worked really hard to put those people in jail. Her daddy was in the hallway; she just heard him. Why didn’t he arrest this man?
    Ringing filled her confused mind. She opened her eyes. The man had fallen against the wall and was making it back to his feet, leaving a red handprint directly under the family picture. He slapped his hand against his cheek and fell to a knee. Blood seeped through his fingers, down his arm, onto the flecked carpet. The brown eye dangled from the socket.
    “You run and hide, señorita. I find you one day.”
    Leah jerked to a sitting position, choking back a scream. Cooled water in the tub splashed over the end. Run and hide. I find you one day. The nightmare faded. Anguish tore her heart as it always did after the dream.
    She hated them for leaving her. Why couldn’t she have gone with them? She’d never trust anyone or let anyone into her heart ever again. Push down the pain, deep inside, no memories, no guilt. It was her fault they were dead.
    After taking a deep breath, she stepped out and grabbed a towel off the bar over the toilet. The plush fibers felt like silk gliding over her skin.
    The thought of putting on her old clothes rolled her stomach. If she could wash them, several times, she’d be okay.
    Her foot pushed the door open and she saw a stack of stuff on the bed. Where did that come from? She ran to the door and flipped the deadbolt. Damn, how could she forget? Anyone could’ve entered.
    When lifting the white material on top of the stack, a ruffled, white cotton dress unfolded. She laid it on the bed along with accompanying undergarments and dug through the items, mostly bathroom and feminine stuff. Otso must’ve asked one of the female workers onboard to put a care package together for her. That was nice of him--not thinking about himself, for once.
    She slipped the simple shift dress over her head and shimmied it down her body. Unfortunately, full length extended above her knees. This was meant for someone much shorter, but she wasn’t complaining. She tugged up on the deep scoop neckline. Cleavage wasn’t something she cared to show-off. Not with that animal Korhonen walking around.
    Three bangs shook the door. “Leah, time to eat.”
    So soon? She wasn’t ready yet. In front of the half-unfogged mirror, she combed her wet hair straight back.
    Ivan knocked again. “Come on, Leah. Maricio is leaving.”
    “Go on. I’ll catch up.” She didn’t hear a reply so she assumed they left. Leah dug through the items on the bed for deodorant and a razor to mow her legs. Crap. She hated dressing-up, even as a kid she only wore jeans. Never staying in a foster home for long, only the basics were required.
    But she had to admit, she did want to look nice, not for Hannes, either. Okay, maybe a little for him. Didn’t matter anyway. She never held much hope of getting off this ship alive.

    Hannes waited with his men at the galley table for Maricio and the guests. This would be the first woman to join them in some time. Hopefully he needn’t remind his men no farting, belching, or cursing at the table.
    Hearing noise behind him, he turned and watched Maricio and Ivan walk in. The boy sported faded camo pants, five sizes too big, and a worn sage T-shirt probably older than he was. Where was the girl? He glared at the boy.
    Ivan spurted out, “She said she

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