The Bear In Me: A BBW Bear Shifter Romance

The Bear In Me: A BBW Bear Shifter Romance by Amy Star Page B

Book: The Bear In Me: A BBW Bear Shifter Romance by Amy Star Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Star
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    “You’ll probably have your hands full.” Lily laughed again, a full honest booming laugh that seemed strong and genuine. Emily found herself smiling in turn at the bright spirit of this woman who seemed to exude a kindness from her eyes.
    “Well, I should probably get unpacked.” Emily explained, trying to excuse herself when she noticed Mark grunt and nod at her. “It was nice to meet you both.”
    She found her cabin and like Lily had indicated, a note was tacked to the varnished door that read ‘Key is under the mat. Let yourself in! If you need anything, let me know – Sam’.
    “Sam.” she repeated, and flipped over the filthy mat in front of the door.
    Sure enough there was a silver key. The door of the cabin creaked open and she fumbled around until her fingers hit the plastic switch. It was a quaint set-up. The living room and kitchen seemed to be attached, and the smell of cedar was everywhere, pervading. She rubbed her face and walked back to the Volvo, struggling with two heavy suitcases. She was amazed she’d been able to cram her whole life into two bags – it was both invigorating and appalling. On one hand it gave her a real sense of freedom. The whole drive up from California had only cemented that feeling. But at the same time, she wondered what it meant that her whole life could be confined to these two suitcases. Is that all there is to me , she wondered.
    She stood in front of the window and watched the night descend even quicker over the river. The light was different this far north. It flared brighter, but died even faster. She shivered again, and reminded herself to dress warmer tomorrow.
    “I still have a week before work.” she said.
    Everything was so different here. But she was glad to have met Lily, however briefly. Emily had always had trouble making friends. She knew it had a lot more to do with her condition than anything else. It had prevented her from getting close to people for fear of what would happen if they found out about the Bear -- or worse, triggering the form unexpectedly. She had heard about one case, whether it was true or not, where a Bear had transformed in his bed and accidentally mauled his wife while she slept beside him.
    She shook her head violently, trying to vanquish the thought of it. It was too terrible. She herself had only changed a dozen times in her life, and always in a safe place, somewhere where she could let the Bear out for air without having to worry about hurting others. But it was still a lonely existence – she couldn’t tell any of her friends, and it had precluded any kind of relationship with the opposite sex.
    “Ugh,” she said, and slapped her cheeks.
    She had to focus. This place was a fresh start. Through the window she could see the darkening rim of the forest beyond, and felt a weird latent desire well up within her, a drive to vanish into the shadows and run. She knew, instinctively, it was the Bear in her. This place, Alaska, it was calling to her. Had been calling to her for a long time. There had been no way to explain this to the others back home.
    She sighed and undid her ponytail, letting the long golden strands rain run down over her shoulders, down under the lip of her T-shirt over her breasts. Tomorrow , she thought. She was too exhausted to keep thinking about it now and locked the door behind her and stumbled into the bedroom. It was small, a third the size of the one she had had in her San Francisco apartment, but she was too tired to care. She collapsed face-first on the pillow and wrapped the sheets over her.
    When Emily awoke, there was already a glimmer of sunlight coming in through the window and she quickly sat up straight and tried to take in her surroundings. It took her a moment to remember where she was, and she felt another twinge of

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