The Autumn Throne

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Book: The Autumn Throne by Elizabeth Chadwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Chadwick
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cheeks, and large brown eyes. After a single startled glance at Alienor, she dropped her gaze and stared at the ground. Standing beside her was Roger Bigod, heir to the earldom of Norfolk, but currently denied that position because his father had sided with Harry’s thwarted rebellion six years ago. He too looked discomfited, as if caught with his hand in the honey jar.
    A fluffy terrier not much bigger than a rat began a high-pitched yapping at Alienor and Alais swiftly picked him up and held him to her breast. ‘We were taking Trynket for a walk,’ she said.
    Alienor felt like an intruder even though hers was the greater right to be here. What else did she expect of the young? It was natural to find places like this to huddle and socialise. She made an impatient gesture. ‘You have my leave to go.’
    They made their respects and departed in a haste of colour. The pretty dark girl still had her head down. Roger Bigod murmured something to her and she shook her head and quickened her pace. Harry looked after them, eyes narrow.
    ‘Do you want to join them?’
    ‘No, Mama.’ He gave her his glittering smile. ‘I would rather spend time with you.’
    ‘I am not so certain about that,’ she said, wryly. ‘Who was the young lady with Alais? I have not seen her before.’
    Harry’s mouth twisted. ‘Ida de Tosney, Papa’s latest concubine. She’s Rosamund de Clifford’s second cousin.’
    ‘Yes,he told me.’ Another girl of tender years; an heiress in Henry’s care. She could read the pattern so well in him. ‘Does he think to replace Rosamund with this one?’
    ‘She is a sweet girl. I receive the impression that far from scheming herself into Papa’s bed, she would rather it had not happened.’
    ‘Roger Bigod was paying her close attention.’ Alienor sat on the seat and surveyed the garden.
    ‘I expect when Papa tires of her, he will sell her marriage to an interested party,’ Harry said. ‘Bigod is making that interest known. Still, he should be careful. Treading the young hen while she’s still the rooster’s favourite is dangerous.’
    Alienor looked at him. He had shown no inclination to take a mistress himself even though his wife was still in Paris and their relationship was one that functioned on duty not passion. If he had other women, at least, unlike his father, he was discreet about it.
    ‘They make him forget his age,’ Harry said. ‘That’s why he always has the fastest horses to stay ahead of everyone else.’
    ‘And they always kick him. He cannot bear to relinquish control to anyone. That is why he likes such women too. They do as he says – they are in his power and they do not struggle to escape.’ Unlike his ageing wife, who he had to keep under lock and key, build walls around and set spies upon. She gave an embittered smile. What it was to make a king afraid.
    Later, during an informal gathering in the hall, Alienor took a moment to draw William Marshal aside and speak to him. ‘I am reminding you to take care of Harry,’ she said. ‘He is a grown man and would not thank me if he heard me speak thus to you, but tourneys are dangerous places, and I fear that living life dangerously has too much glamour for him just now.’
    William’s easy smile gave way to a more serious expression. ‘Madam, I have sworn to guard my lord with my life.’
    ‘Then do not lose your focus, William. I hear many tales of your prowess and I see how men look at you in this room – andwomen too. It would be easy to become carried away by adulation and by the abilities in arms you possess. I do not want you or my son to endanger your lives. You must be aware for both of you. Do not reply that it goes without saying, because it does not. It has to be said before it can be put to rest.’
    William dipped his head. ‘I understand, madam, and I take it to heart. In serving my young lord, I serve you also, and I swear I will not let you down.’
    Alienor gave a firm nod and was satisfied, knowing

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