The Aryavarta Chronicles Kurukshetra: Book 3

The Aryavarta Chronicles Kurukshetra: Book 3 by Krishna Udayasankar Page A

Book: The Aryavarta Chronicles Kurukshetra: Book 3 by Krishna Udayasankar Read Free Book Online
Authors: Krishna Udayasankar
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has happened in these past months, Shikhandin. But first, who is this young lady? Where did you find her?’
    Shikandin quickly explained the handmaiden’s situation to the others. Sthuna listened, sombre. Then he said, ‘She’s fortunate. She has a village to go back to. Many others don’t. The attacks on our people have increased. Some come to search for the Naga-astra and leave bloody trails in their wake. Others take our men and women, the children, too, to work in their forges. The very forges you once destroyed. But what’s the point! It’s the same old thing all over again. Devala Asita and his false promises of power. It is we who pay the price!’
    ‘Then, it is we who must fight against such tyranny. Have you been able to muster soldiers?’
    ‘Men, yes,’ Sthuna said. ‘Soldiers, no… But they are brave and strong and all we have, really. But I must say this: They fight for you, Shikandin, not for some emperor. They will come because you have told them to. The forest realms, from the woods of Panchala to Kosala and Kashi, are with you. But I hope you know what you are doing.’
    Shikandin shook his head. ‘In that case, they need not come. Enough, Sthuna. No more fighting for this leader or that, for this king or that. Tell them to come only if they wish to fight for themselves. Be very clear about that!’
    ‘Really, Shikandin, do you think they understand the difference? Do you think she understands?’ Sthuna gestured, not unkindly, to the handmaiden. ‘She follows you because she was told to. Words like “Divine Order” have very a simple meaning for her. Obey or die! All she knows is that she was born to serve, to serve and yield, and to defy that destiny is forbidden. It is all that each one of us knows! We don’t have your Arya notions of honour and self-worth – not because we lack those qualities but simply because we are denied that grace. How then do you expect me to explain to the men that they must fight for themselves; for a sense of right and freedom that I do not know how to explain?’
    ‘The honour you speak of, Sthuna, is nothing more than a fetter; another way of saying “obey or die”. By that honour, I’d have spent my life hunting down the people of the Eastern Forests – my people – not helping to hide and save them from my father’s men. True honour is not something that is given to us; it exists within us. Tell the men to trust in themselves.’
    Sthuna persisted, ‘Our men fight for you, because you call them. It is you they trust. Stone and Tree save me, you might as well be our Emperor.’
    ‘Uncle…’ Uttamaujas placed a hand on Sthuna’s shoulder, calming him down as a matter of habit. A strained quiet fell on the glade, marred only by Kshatradharman’s restless shuffling as he watched the adults, uncomfortable.
    It was the handmaiden who spoke. ‘I followed him because he promised me freedom and safety. Because he told me that I had a choice other than to submit to whatever I was commanded to do. It is true, it took me a while to understand what that meant – when my Queen first told me to go with him I just thought it was…for his pleasure…a pleasure that I was duty-bound to provide. But I was wrong,’ she said, not daring to look at Shikandin. ‘It is true, I don’t fully understand what my forest-brother here is talking about,’ she said, smiling at Sthuna, ‘and I don’t know if that is the difference he speaks of. But this is why I followed Sh…Shikandin. Not because I had to, but because I chose to.’
    Shikandin laid a hand on the girl’s head. ‘You’re a brave one, you know that?’ he said. He turned to Sthuna. ‘Give our people the choice. The decision is theirs. If they agree, lead them to Matsya. But first I need you to take this young lady home.’
    Uttamaujas said, ‘I can take her home. I’ll find my way to Matsya on my own after that. Uncle Sthuna need not bother.’
    The offer was innocent enough, but neither

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