The Angel Tasted Temptation
lights on Massachusetts Avenue slowed his progress and kept them together in the car.
    Kept her closer. Kept reminding him that all he had to do was take a left or a right and he could avoid taking her home altogether and instead take Meredith off to the closest hotel.
    Travis tightened his grip on the steering wheel and shut down his peripheral vision. Hell, if a good workhorse could do that, so could he.
    "But that's exactly what I'm trying to do," Meredith said. "Make it easy for you. No strings, no expectations."
    "Well, that's not right." He didn't know where on planet Earth it wasn't, but it wasn't.
    "Are you sure there's nothing wrong with you? I mean, I have read The Sun Also Rises . I know men can have issues with their ... manhood and not want to tell the truth."
    Travis bit back a laugh. "Trust me, I have no issues with my manhood."
    "Would you rather be plowing a different kind of field?"
    "What is that supposed to mean?"
    "I was trying to be tactful and ask you if you ..." She arched a brow. "If you were more of a guy-guy than a girl-guy."
    "A guy ..."It took a second before the synapses in his brain started firing and he made the connection. "Trust me. I'm a hundred percent American male. And I only put my tractor in female ... ah, fields."
    She smiled, then reached across the car to lay her hand on top of his. Her touch ratcheted up his temperature what felt like ten degrees and sent the peripheral vision plan down the tubes. He'd have never made a good workhorse, that was for sure.
    "Good," Meredith said, her voice as tempting as a warm blanket. "Then you can fulfill your end of the bargain, right?"
    At that moment, he pulled up in front of her cousin's house. He stopped the car, parked it and turned off the engine.
    She was his for the asking. Heck, he didn't have to ask—she was doing all the asking. And yet, some leftover morality, probably instilled in him by the nuns that had taught him how to read at Sacred Heart Elementary School, kept him from saying a word.
    Meredith was too sweet, too vulnerable and too nice for the likes of him. The best thing he could do was convince her that her plan was crazy and that the smart plan for her was to get back on a plane, head back to farm country and settle down with a man who'd treat her right.
    If she'd just cooperate, it would be a whole lot easier for him to do that.
    "Well?" she prompted.
    "You're asking too much of me, Meredith."
    "I don't understand. Don't you like me?"
    "I know I'm some kind of idiot for turning you down, but—"
    And then, the need to kiss her—to do much more than that—reached its boiling point again and Travis opened the door, scrambling out of the car before he could break his own promise and his vow to keep Meredith from the depravity she was asking for. Both conveniently available in the car's backseat.
    Meredith didn't let him escape. She got out and came around to his side of the car, her skirt swishing against her legs, the volume of that sound seeming a hundred decibels higher than the hum of traffic a block away.
    "I am going to kiss you, Travis Campbell, and when I'm done, then you can tell me if you're still confused."
    And then she did just that, leaning in and first brushing her lips against his, then pressing harder and firmer. He threw his objections out the window and came right back at her, his lips meeting hers and his tongue dipping in to taste the sweet inside of her mouth. She let out a little mew and melted into his arms.
    Desire roared in his head and he forgot everything he'd intended earlier. Meredith fit perfectly against his body, her lithe curves pressing against the hard planes of him like they'd been carved from the same piece of wood.
    His hands cupped her chin, thumbs tracing along her jaw, asking her to open wider, to allow him more of her. She obliged and then wrapped her arms around his back, drifting her hands down to trace along his waist, teasing along the line where his shirt disappeared inside his

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