The Alien in the Garage and Other Stories

The Alien in the Garage and Other Stories by Rob Keeley Page A

Book: The Alien in the Garage and Other Stories by Rob Keeley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rob Keeley
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shouted. “What’s going on?”
    â€œJack!” the small boy shrieked. “Jack, where are you?”
    â€œWhat’s going on?” Elliott bawled.
    â€œThere’s something in here with us!” Jack was shaking. “I felt it…on my face!”
    â€œIt’s here!” For the first time since they had entered the tent, Elliott sounded really afraid. “It’s next to me – ah!” He gave a sudden cry.
    â€œWhat’s happened?” Jack shouted.
    â€œOh!” Elliott gasped. “It’s here! It’s by me!”
    â€œWhere’s the light?” Jack cried. “We’ve got to find the light!”
    He felt round in the darkness frantically. His hands met the rucksack, the remains of their picnic…even the pack of cards…but no lantern.
    Where was it?
    He gasped.
    The creature…whatever it was…had just brushed his hand with its fur.
    He leapt back.
    â€œIt’s there!” he shouted.
    â€œWhere is the light?” Elliott yelled back.
    â€œI don’t know!” Jack cried. “Help me find it!”
    â€œ I’m not!” Elliott sounded really scared now. “It’s got me once already!”
    â€œIt’s the monster!” A cry came from Sam. “Just like in the story! It’s happening just like Elliott said!”
    â€œShut up!” Elliott cried. This was bad enough… without it being his fault. Actually, he had an awful feeling that it was. His story did seem to be coming true.
    â€œFind that lantern!” Jack insisted. “Come on, help me!”
    â€œOh…” Elliott started to feel round the tent. His hand met whatever it was once more and he gave another cry.
    â€œThe lantern’s not here!”
    â€œIt must be!” Jack retorted.
    â€œJack, I want to go home!” Sam’s voice came. “Let me go home!”
    â€œBe quiet!” Jack shouted. “And help us find it!”
    There was silence as Sam started to help in the search for the lantern.
    Then, the silence was broken.
    A horrible, hissing sound filled the air. It grew louder…
    There were two more cries of fear, one from Sam – and one from Elliott.
    â€œWhat is it?” Elliott howled. “What is it? Oh!”
    He cried out again. There was a pause, and then a crash. It sounded as if he had fallen backwards onto the tent floor.
    â€œIt’s on me!” he shouted. “Get off me!” He addressed the unseen creature. “Get off me, get off!”
    There was a loud hissing again, and then a scurrying sound as whatever it was came back across the tent.
    â€œKeep it away from Sam!” Jack cried. He wasn’t having his little brother in danger.
    â€œOh, I’m frightened!” Elliott’s terrified voice came again. The tough guy of earlier, full of confidence and jokes, seemed to have vanished. “I want to get out of here! Where’s the door?” There was the sound of him fumbling around the tent, trying to find the exit.
    â€œKeep still!” Jack yelled. “Whatever it is, we don’t want to get it angry! Now help me find that light!”
    In desperation, the three of them tried to find the lantern. They found the carton from Sam’s drink, his teddy – which made them all yell again - and the cards, several times – but no lantern.
    â€œOh, I’ve had enough!” Elliott wailed. To hear his voice, you would have thought that he was younger than Sam. “I want to go home too!”
    â€œHang on!” Sam yelled. “I’ve got it!”
    â€œGot it?” Elliott made a grab for the lantern in the darkness. There was a sudden crash.
    â€œWhat’s happened?” Jack shouted.
    â€œI’ve dropped it!”
    â€œOh!” Jack exclaimed in fury. He reached down and found the lantern, rolling around the tent floor at his feet. He flicked the switch.
    Nothing happened.
    â€œOh, Elliott!”

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