The Alexandra Series

The Alexandra Series by Lizbeth Dusseau Page B

Book: The Alexandra Series by Lizbeth Dusseau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lizbeth Dusseau
Tags: Erótica
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better if you back up your decision with a little enthusiasm. After all, this is one of your creations. You might as well enjoy it. No one’s making you do anything.”
    He’d stopped the car in front of the apartment house. Leaning over, he kissed me, reminding me of what we’d shared. I knew he loved me. I loved him, too.
    In bed that night, I realized how right Will was. Reggie was in my sex, my emotions, in charge of all my fantasies. He wouldn’t leave until he’d explored every inch of me. Just before I fell asleep, it occurred to me that perhaps I was just as much inside Reggie as he was in me. Perhaps he needed me and our drama as much as I needed him. It was a challenging, daring thought. Then again, it might just be another foolish fantasy. I shouldn’t try to romanticize the man. I very much doubt he’d approve.

Chapter Twelve
    My new obsession drove me day and night, the waiting, the imagining, the wild fantasies. This was my choice, he’d made that clear and I didn’t feel the least bit forced. But I was compelled. Compelled by desire to be consumed by him. And compelled by a desire to consume him. I saw a fierce passionate battle between us – why that, I don’t know. Maybe that was what I wanted.
    When the thin blue envelope came in the mail on the sixth day after our meeting, my entire body rushed with excitement. The envelope was engraved with his address, my own scrawled boldly across the front.
    How did he know my full name? I’d never even mentioned it to Will.
    I pulled out the note. Reginald Harold was engraved across the top, and in his bold cursive the message appeared below:
    Thursday morning, ten o’clock promptly.
    My heart beat rapidly, my body fired. I raced downstairs to find Will. Six o’clock, certainly he’d be home. Please!
    He answered the door with a hammer in his hand.
    “Hi, what’s up?”
    “A note from Reggie,” I replied. He smiled. “You know?” I said.
    “He told me.”
    “Are you going with me?”
    “I’ll take you but I won’t stay.”
    My heart was beating so fast, I felt out of control.
    “Hey, calm down,” he said, leading me into his kitchen where we sat across from each other just as we had months before when we first met.
    “I’m scared.”
    “You’re living your life, living out your dreams, experiencing your deepest desires. That’s exciting.”
    “I’m still scared. I’m scared that I’ll back away as I’ve done with you.”
    “That’s just the point, he won’t let you.”
    The thought sent chills through me.
    “The pain, Will. I have no idea if I want that at all.”
    “Have no fear, my darling. You’ll be so much in Reggie’s grasp by that time, you’ll be begging for more. And don’t expect the worst, he’s not a brutal man.”
    I wasn’t reassured, but I knew beyond all doubt that I wanted the man.
    “So I’d better go. I have much to do.”
    He kissed me gently.
    “Will, did you tell Reggie that my name is Alexandra?”
    “I didn’t know it was.”
    “I wonder how he knew?”
    Will just smiled. I never would know. I wanted to believe that Reggie was simply intuitively linked to me, so I never asked and he never offered an answer. Maybe it was just a good guess.
    Thursday morning, I stood with Will again waiting at Reggie’s door. I’d been a rollercoaster of emotions since his note arrived, and while I’d been reasonably calm when Will knocked on my door, by the time we made the hour long drive, I was as anxious as I’d ever been. My stomach was a little sour, and I was feeling a bit light-headed. A half an English muffin had been all I could choke down.
    Excitement. Dread. Panic. Lust. They all converged on me, and I had to lean against Will for a moment while I waited for the door to open.
    This time a woman answered our knock. She was older, plain looking, more like someone’s mother than the resident of an unusual house like this – and nothing like the beauties that were

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