The Accidental Mistress
thought the same thing about Mrs Cox’s blue dress. It’d reminded her of that night, and the party. An event she could look back on and relish now that Brent was doing well again.
    John was lounging in the chair, one long leg crossed over the other, but she could still somehow see him kneeling before her, his face pressed to her crotch. Then a little later, bent over that fine old desk, his fabulous rear presented for her somewhat inept but surprisingly effective attempts at discipline.
    She knew that wouldn’t happen all that often – John’s nature was too powerfully dominant – but she hoped that some day not too far away, she’d get another chance to play the dominatrix. To rule him with the strength that he inspired in her.
    ‘What are you thinking about? It’s not the dress, is it?’ His blue eyes had sharpened. He could see right through her. He knew, he knew …
    ‘If you must know, I was thinking about how it felt to wear that dress. And the state of mind I experienced that night. I just hope that Mrs Cox can feel something like that wearing this one.’ She touched the blue fabric. ‘Not the spanking and demanding to be called “mistress” part, of course … although you never know. Just a bit of that confidence. She seems to need it.’
    ‘Really? What’s her situation?’ He leaned forward a little.
    ‘Poor woman. She’s got this mega cocktail party thing for her husband’s boss, landed on her at the last minute. Reading between the lines, I’d say it’s causing awful friction, the whole situation. Her hubby’s desperately worried about losing his job, and she’s worried too, and because things are so fraught, they’re falling out.’ Lizzie frowned. ‘I wish I could do more to help, but at least I can make sure she has the right dress for the night, and it fits properly.’
    ‘Business is tough, Lizzie. But I understand the pressures,’ said John thoughtfully. ‘You’re a sweet girl to care so much about some woman you barely know. Are you like this with everyone you sew for?’
    ‘No, not really. It’s just the occasional nice person, like Mrs Cox. I could tell she was upset.’
    ‘You have a kind heart, love. Now, shall we deliver Cinderella’s frock and hope that the mean boss turns intoa frog? I’ve heard that these business martinets can be total bastards.’ He quirked his blond brows at her. Was he just as tough and mean to his many subordinates? She didn’t think so. But you never knew …
    ‘I have to press it first. You know, use an iron? You probably don’t even know what an iron is, with hundreds of drones to do everything for you.’
    ‘I’ve ironed,’ protested John with a smile, ‘although admittedly not for a long time. I’ll iron that for you, if you like? Just to prove I can.’
    ‘I’ll believe you, I’ll believe you. But it’s better I do it. I’ll be quicker!’
    A short while later, they were all set to go, with Mrs Cox’s blue dress in a box, and Lizzie all spruced up after a swift few minutes in Marie’s tiny cloakroom while John summoned Jeffrey and the car. The chauffeur couldn’t have been all that far away, because the long dark limousine drew up to the kerb as they exited the shop.
    ‘Where are we going to?’ John asked from just behind her, as Jeffrey held open the back passenger door.
    ‘Number Two, The Limes, in Kissley Magna.’
    ‘Kissley Magna?’
    Lizzie slid into the passenger seat and looked up at John, alerted by the note in his voice. ‘Yes, what about it?’
    ‘That’s interesting. The thing I have to show you is in Kissley Magna. A happy coincidence.’
    ‘What is it?’ she asked, curiosity rampant as he slid into the seat beside her. ‘What’s this mysterious thing you want to show me?’
    ‘Tsk tsk … patience … Wait until we get there.’
    ‘Can’t you even give me a smidgen of a hint?’
    ‘It’ll spoil the surprise.’
    ‘Oh, go on …’
    John’s blue eyes shone with a slow glitter that was oh,

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