The Accidental Exorcist
realizing that everything
happens for a reason.”
“…I HIGHLY recommend
Beyond Justice as a must read!”
    ~ The Winfields-7 Book Reviews
“…right up there with the
“…will tug your heart. Don’t be
surprised if a tear finds its way down your
“…more than just a mystery, more than
just thriller, it’s in a word terrific!”
you love a good thriller then pick up this book, you will not be
    ~Reading, Reading &
…fair warning before you pick up Beyond Justice by
Joshua Graham–the next 24 to 48 hours of your life will be utterly
consumed by this book.
…[had] my unconditional
and unwavering attention from page one to the
…draws you in from the first page
and literally does not let go of you or your emotions until the
rollercoaster conclusion.
…a powerfully
gripping legal thriller
…I was absolutely
…mesmerizing would be a gross
…absolutely nothing short of
an act of God or nature would have stopped me from finishing this
…unbelievably powerful and
…the story will stay with you
long after you finish it.
…Do not
hesitate.  Rush to get your own copy of Beyond
    Connect with Joshua Graham at:
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    Joshua Graham

    I had to do it. They were
my babies. Killing them was the only way to save them.
    Throughout her career as a forensic
psychiatrist for the state of California, Abigail Lee had heard
such words more times than she cared for. Usually, they came from
suspects going for a NGRI (not guilty by reason of insanity) but
were, in fact, groping for a Hail Mary.
    On the rare occasion, she'd find the
suspect criminally insane. Unless it was so painfully obvious that
San Diego District Attorney Thomas Walden would suddenly find
Abby's services unnecessary. Such were the breaks—she'd still get
paid at her standard rate of three hundred dollars per hour. But
would NOT be asked to testify in court.
    Before her, in the tightly
monitored visitation room in Salton Sea Women's Penitentiary, sat
Cheryl Morgan. The Cheryl Morgan who had killed all three of her children by
suffocating them with Mylar bags. Her trial was set for next month,
but it didn't seem like she would survive it.
    "Cheryl, you need to talk with me. If
there's any chance you might be found—"
    "Guilty! I did it. I killed them. How
else should I be found?" From beneath the mussed strands of auburn
hair, Cheryl's eyes—dark as ink—burned with hatred. Had she been
properly groomed and dressed, you could have mistaken her for a
Hollywood starlet, not the psychotic housewife and mother of
three—who in cold blood murdered her own kids.
    "This isn't helping you."
    Cheryl's entire demeanor morphed
suddenly, like one of those CGI special effects when a person
transforms into a werewolf, or a zombie. A menacing smile faded
into view, baring cruel canines. Her eyebrows sharpened, her gaze
jagged. "And you're here…to help?"
    As though on the spindly legs of a
tarantula, a chill crawled up Abby's spine. She'd seen just about
every variety of psychotic over the past seven years, but something
about Cheryl Morgan made her particularly uneasy. Post-partum
psychosis—even with those resulting in infant fatalities never
looked quite like this.
    "You have no idea what you're stepping
into, my dear." Her feral eyes gazed straight into Abby's and for a
moment arrested her breathing. A sense of dread coursed through her
blood like Freon.
    Abby pushed back slightly on her
chair, as if the extra inch of distance could protect her. "I'm
only interested in knowing the truth."
    A snort, mixed with what sounded like
a growl. Cheryl's voice deepened into a hollow, bottomless chasm of
damnation. It was when she began to laugh maniacally that Abby knew
something was

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