Tender Nurse

Tender Nurse by Hilda Nickson Page B

Book: Tender Nurse by Hilda Nickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Hilda Nickson
Tags: Nurses
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in a quiet voice.
    “Why, Godfrey,” she exclaimed in surprise. “You’re not jealous are you? You said you didn’t mind.”
    “Of course I’m jealous. I’m jealous all the time of anyone who has the pleasure of your delightful company —even for an hour.”
    She looked at him gravely. “Darling, don’t be jealous —you have no cause. Jealousy is such an unreasonable emotion.”
    He caught at her hand on the table. “Well, I’ve got you for tonight anyway. Tell me where you’d like to go.”
    She leaned back in her chair, and a sudden longing took possession of her.
    “I’d just like to go home,” she said simply.
    “Home? You mean——”
    “Just home—to the flat. I’d like to sit around in an old dress and wear a pair of old slippers and do nothing— listen to some music perhaps.”
    He looked at her uncertainly. “You don’t mean— alone, Andrea?”
    “No, not alone. You too, if you like.”
    “If I like! Let’s not waste another minute. I’ve got the car parked round the corner. We can be there in five minutes.”
    They lounged, listened to some music and had a little supper. Sensing that she wanted to relax, Godfrey made no attempt to make love to her. Only when they said good night at the hospital gates, did he take her into his arms.
    “Have you any idea how much I love you?” he murmured.
    “Godfrey, don’t love me too much. I—no woman is worth it.”
    “Darling, you are worth all the love any man can give you.”
    “Dear Godfrey,” was all she could say. He was worthy of so much more love than she was able to give him.
    The next day was Virginia’s day off. Andrea was surprised to see her in the dining room at tea time.
    “I was hoping to see you, Andrea,” she said. “George and Martin are cooking up a run into Cliftonville later on—when you’re off.”
    Andrea’s heart leapt. “Are they really? Whose idea was that?”
    “Martin’s,” Virginia said briefly.
    Andrea gave her a quick glance. “Would you rather have gone out with George alone?”
    “Don’t be silly.”
    Andrea could scarcely believe that Martin wanted her company again so soon. She told herself not to set too much store by it. Perhaps he was just feeling the need to relax and preferred to go out in a foursome to save gossip.
    As they got up from the table, Virginia murmured; “George will pick you up at the side entrance to the Home as soon after half-past eight as you can make it. We’re picking Martin up outside the gates.”
    “Where are we going?”
    “To the Hutt for a meal, I believe.”
    Andrea went back to the theatre for the remainder of her duty time. At eight-thirty she rushed to her room to get ready. She had not a very extensive wardrobe, so she wore the same deep blue Taiho dress she had worn for the opera. Martin had said it suited her, she reflected, as she gave a quick look at herself in the mirror before picking up a short jacket to wear on the way back. George’s car was waiting, but to her surprise he was alone.
    George started the car as she got in beside him. “Virginia is waiting outside with Martin. Something has happened. She has to go home right away.”
    “Oh dear,” Andrea said in dismay. “I do hope it’s nothing serious.”
    “Her mother has had to be rushed to hospital. I’m running Virginia over.” He gave Andrea a sideways look. “Martin very much wants you to go along to the Hutt with him as planned. I hope you will, because I’ve booked a table.”
    Andrea made no reply to this. For a moment or two, her thoughts were sympathetically with Virginia. She hoped her mother was not dangerously ill. Then as she thought over what George had just told her, a queer kind of excitement welled up at the thought of going out alone with Martin. Almost immediately however, she despised herself for it as Godfrey came into her mind.
    George turned the car out of the hospital gates into the side street where he and Martin had waited on the other occasion. Martin was

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