Tenacious Trents 02 - A Perfect Gentleman
for him.”
    Vicar Trent chuckled and shook his head. “A
father will worry about his daughter until the day she is happily
settled, and should.”
    Grace took in a deep breath and sighed. “Did
he wish for me to accept one of them?” Perhaps she should ask her
father which would be the best choice. If he had a preference then
she would accept that man’s suit.
    “I don’t think so.”
    Relief shot through her. Grace really didn’t
want to be married to any of her three choices. None of them made
her skin heat when they touched her, unlike Vicar Trent. None of
them made her want to kiss their lips when their face was so close,
as Vicar Trent’s was right now and only a breath away. None of them
excited her, or made her long to be held and comforted, as she
wished Vicar Trent would do right now.
    Oh, she was surely wicked and wanton for
wanting such from a vicar. It must be because of all the stress she
was under. If everything were normal, surely she wouldn’t be having
such inappropriate thoughts.
    His eyes bore into hers. Could he read her
mind? Heat stole into her cheeks. She licked her lips, her mouth
suddenly dry. His focus changed to her mouth.

    And as quickly as Vicar Trent had grabbed
her, he let go, took a step back and let out a breath.
    “I will keep you informed of what I learn.”
He nodded his head and strode for the door. Stopping, he looked
back at her. “And try not to worry, Miss Cooper. Everything shall
turn out as it should.”
    With that he disappeared into her house.
Grace collapsed into a nearby chair and brought her hand to her
frantically beating heart. What had come over her? Surely he
couldn’t have read her mind.
    She closed her eyes and leaned back in the
chair. What would it be like to kiss Vicar Trent? To feel his arms
around her and be able to lay her head on his shoulder? To forget
for just a short time or to simply allow him to take care of her
and Father.
    Her eyes popped open and she frantically
glanced around to make sure she was alone. It was a fanciful dream,
and probably a sinful one too. He was a man of God and young ladies
should not lust after vicars. Heat stole into her cheeks,
embarrassed by her impure thoughts, and she straightened.
    Was that what she was doing? Lusting after
him? Grace wasn’t entirely sure what lust was, but if wanting to be
held, kissed, touched, and to feel the warmth and tingling
experienced from his touch was lust, then that is what she was
    Oh, she was a wicked girl, especially since
he gave no indication he saw her more than another parishioner. She
should be ashamed of herself. And would be, if she could make
herself stop wishing he would come back and kiss her.
    Grace blew out a breath and stood. This was
ridiculous. Vicar Trent certainly did not think of her in that
manner. If he were going to settle on a wife it would not be
someone like her, who had a father who required attention. He
didn’t have the time for such a responsibility, nor would he wish
to have a dairy added to his responsibilities. Besides, she knew
vicars made little money, though he had been provided a house, he
didn’t earn enough yet to support a wife. Even if he did, he was
too busy.
    No, he would want, and deserved, someone who
could devote all of her time to him, without a family needing
attention as well, unless it was for children the two of them
brought into the world. Besides, she wasn’t the type any gentleman
was really interested in. Well, other than Richards, Draker and
Thorn. Of course, those gentlemen had already been rejected by half
the women in the village already, including her good friend,
Audrey. They each wanted to control the house and land.
    But what of Audrey? She certainly would take
notice of Vicar Trent and how could the vicar not be attracted to
her dear friend? And, why did the thought of those two, together,
cause her heart to ache?
    She wanted Audrey happy and if it was Vicar
Trent who made her so then Grace should be glad for

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