Tempered Hearts (Hearts of Valentia Book 1)

Tempered Hearts (Hearts of Valentia Book 1) by Starla Huchton, S. A. Huchton Page B

Book: Tempered Hearts (Hearts of Valentia Book 1) by Starla Huchton, S. A. Huchton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Starla Huchton, S. A. Huchton
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on the main doors.
    “The Duchess Cora Tanarien of Aerenhall and her daughter, Lady Arden Tanarien!”
    For the briefest second his heart stopped beating. Arden’s dress was the stunning silver of House Tanarien, with veins of Marillion blue swirling up from the hem of her skirt. Though her mother walked with a practiced grace, Arden’s movements were effortless, her soft smile finding him beyond the crowd in moments. The way she looked at him, even from across the room…
    It hurt his heart to see such warmth and admiration in her eyes. The things he had to tell her would surely be painful to hear.
    Before long she was beside him, and everyone took their seats, following his lead. Ingram and Duchess Tanarien alone remained standing, preparing for their opening words.
    “It is with great pleasure we’ve gathered you all here tonight, for we are celebrating an occurrence that at one time would have been thought impossible,” Ingram began.
    “For centuries, a silent feud raged between Marillion and Tanarien houses,” the duchess continued where he left off, her face full of pride, “but peace was struck between us under the leadership of King Ledas, lost three years passed, and my husband, Duke Magnus Tanarien, who leads the rebuilding in Maer. It is through their perseverance and cooperation that this night became possible.”
    “At long last, we celebrate the news.” Ingram raised his goblet into the air. “In three weeks hence, House Marillion and House Tanarien will be forever tied in the bonds of sacred matrimony. May we find peace in the union of Prince Darius and Lady Arden!”
    A round of cheers went up as glasses were raised and the musicians began their playing. A glance at Arden disheartened him further. She was all but glowing with happiness, and he was going to take that away from her. Perhaps she wouldn’t care, but that wouldn’t be like the woman he’d come to know. Whatever her feelings, he knew she’d tell him true. Her gift of promising honesty in all things assured it.
    A meal and several speeches later, and it was time for the Presentation of Wishes. For that, any who wanted to bestow a gift upon the engaged couple could do so. The gifts were supposed to be symbolic of the things people hoped for the ones to be married, but Ingram warned him they were typically shows to gain favoritism and display power. The first gifts were unremarkable— a bolt of fine cloth from House Adriante to represent their lives interweaving, a sheaf of grains dipped in gold from House Cass to symbolize great bounty— but he was amazed when a face he’d not thought to see presented Arden with the most stunning gift he could imagine.
    Ehlren, shining in silver-plated armor, stepped up to the table, his chest barely cresting the edge, as he was short even for a dwarf. “General Ehlren Mergus of Ogtern Mountain,” he said with a brief bow.
    “Ehlren, my friend,” Darius said, happier to see him than he imagined he’d be, “you’re certainly a sight. General now, is it?”
    His deep, growling laugh harkened back to days of dirty taverns and shifty deals with merchants in need of mercenaries. “As much to the surprise of those girders in the dusty bowels of Ogtern as it is to me. Getting bloody in Orinda was worth its weight in diamonds, it seems.”
    “As I recall, you were never adverse to a bit of blood, old friend.” Darius chuckled. As much as he wanted to hear his story of promotion, likely as not it wasn’t suitable for their current company. “But what’s dragged you out of your cave? I know how much you enjoy these gatherings.”
    His brown eyes shifted to Arden, scrutinizing her closer than he’d seen anyone ever do to another person, but she never wavered. Arden was as curious about Ehlren as he was of her.
    He cleared his throat and placed a wooden box in front of her, its intricate gold leafing catching the gleam of the small sapphires embedded in the lid. “I’ve been sent to present this

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