Tangled Betrayals
so envious of Susannah Parker and everything she has, all the things I ever wanted. I know that it’s wrong to be spiteful, but I wish now I’d never met James Parker. The thought of her having him, his children, and cherishing his love makes me feel a jealousy that I never thought I was capable of.
    “ When father returns, he’ll get my full wrath. He’ll be sorry for the day he interfered with my life. I hate him, Minnie. I do. May God forgive me? It’s entirely his fault my dreams have been shattered. Well, I suppose not entirely his fault; James and Thomas must take some blame. Men, how quick they judge others before finding out where the truth lies.
    “ I believe a woman would have wanted to hear all the details before they decided what was true. Don’t you think so, Minnie? At least I would have.”
                  Mary continued before Minnie could reply. “I, too, shall leave for America the first chance I get. I realize that may take a couple of years. I think it will take at least that long for me to save enough money for my passage and to have enough left over to get a loan to open a dress shop of my own. I know it won’t be anything like your shop, Minnie, but I could survive with at least half the number of your clients.
    “ Until then, I want to make the most of each day. I realize I need to focus on the present. I shall have a difficult time leaving you and England, Minnie. Maybe you might consider coming to America?”
    “Nay, Mary. I don’t think I could ever leave London. But it would do you good to start a new life in a new place. As much as I hate the thought of you leaving, I understand your need to start over. There would be no place in England for you to live without your father finding you. Let’s enjoy each day as it comes and not dwell on the past. It’ll be much better that way.
    “ Your mother would be proud of you, Mary, and she would understand your need to start a life in America. I shall be glad to help you out with your expenses when the time comes. I’m sure we can find another ship besides those owned by Parker Shipping, for you to make your voyage. Tomorrow will begin your new journey in life.”
    Mary nodded. She was lost in her thoughts of starting her shop and life in America. She knew she would remain single for the remainder of her life, as Minnie had when she found herself in a similar situation. She also knew the cost of love and betrayal.
    Minnie had shared with Mary that she had once planned to marry. Sadly, he had hidden the fact he was already married. Minnie had given him everything and he had ruined her. Once the truth had unfolded, he wanted to keep her for his mistress, but Minnie would have nothing to do with him after his lies and manipulations. Mary knew Minnie had a difficult time getting over her hurt and humiliation and that had happened almost thirty years ago.
    Mary was saddened to think she would never bear children or experience the love of a man. She had wanted to become a wife and mother so badly. Once again, her mind drifted back to James and what she had lost. She felt the tears sliding down her cheeks. When would she ever stop crying each and every time she thought of James? How many tears did she have left to shed for that bastard?”

Chapter S eventeen
    Before Minnie arrived to work the next day, she visited the cemetery where Jane Ball lay. On different occasions she visited Jane’s grave to tell her the wonderful things happening in the lives of Thomas and Mary. This morning, however, was more difficult. This time she had to share both Thomas and Mary were in a terrible mess. Thomas happy, but guilt-ridden, as he should be, and Mary, devastated with a broken heart.
    Minnie was seated on the worn stone bench at the foot of Jane’s grave. “Jane, sometimes it seems like yesterday when we would laugh and talk about things we were dreaming about in the early portion of our lives. We had so many plans. You had your dreams of

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