Taming the Fire
superstrength or-speed. Or extraordinary eyesight or hearing. Some scientists are saying that humans are suddenly evolving rapidly, but they don't know why. One theory is that it has something to do with Armageddon. Whatever it is, there are a lot of people like you in the world.”
    “Okay, that's interesting, but how the hell do you know all this?”
    She opened her eyes, but didn't look at him. Just gazed through the sunroof at the starry sky, broken in places by low clouds. “There are these agencies… sort of like the CIA, Mossad, SIS. Except they are supersecret, and their agents are… special.”
    “Special how?”
    Oh, science-fiction special. DC Comics Justice League special . Except these agencies were evil, and there was no justice involved. “They employ people like you. People with unusual abilities or areas of expertise. Psychics, pyrokineticists, people who glow in the dark. Or can see in the dark. And those are just the tip of the iceberg.”
    He snorted. “That's, uh, unbelievable.”
    “I told you.”
    “All right, let's say it's true. You haven't explained how you know all this.”
    She actually began to tremble. Her nerves were shot; she was being hunted and now she had to tell this man, whom she had actually started to like, that she was a monster. Taking a deep breath, she rocked her head forward. “Second right and straight again.”
    “Got it. Now, you going to explain?”
    “I was part of one of those agency's programs.”
    Her skin began to tighten and itch, and inside the beast stirred. It didn't like that she was confiding anything in Trance.
    “They thought my family had special powers,” she said quickly, before she could change her mind. “So they took us from our home. They killed everyone. Everyone but me. I escaped. But that man you were talking to… I think he was looking for me.”
    “If everyone has special powers, what's yours?”
    The sensation of claws scraping the inside of her skin had her grinding her teeth. “I didn't say everyone has power. A lot of the people who work for these agencies are regular people. But they're the best in their fields, or they have special knowledge or unique skills.”
    “You're stalling. What's your special ability?”
    She looked out the window at the run-down neighborhood where she'd rented a trashy town house. “I have a terrible temper,” she snapped, letting a little of that temper out. “And let's leave it at that.” She pointed to the curb. “Pull over anywhere. My place is right there.”
    He did, but after he shut off the motor, he turned to her. “I need more.”
    “Not now. After we're safe.”
    “Safe? If what you're telling me is true, it doesn't sound like you'll ever be safe.”
    A shiver ran up her spine, because he'd just voiced what she'd been too afraid to admit to herself. As long as she was alive, she'd be hunted, always in danger, and never, ever would she be safe.
    She leaped out of the car and darted toward her front door, the instinct to get out of the open and inside her lair too strong to fight.
    “Rik!” Trance caught up with her when she hit the top step of her porch landing. His hand closed on her wrist, and she swung around with a snarl.
    “Don't touch me!”
    He jerked his hand away, but it was too late. Overwhelmed by the danger, the loss of control, and now, a very alpha male she'd confided in far too much, the beast wanted out. Ulrika surged forward, teeth bared and a film of red coming down over her vision. She slammed him into the porch post with a forearm against his throat.
    “Never touch me without permission. Never. I've warned you before.”
    “Okay. Just take it easy. I wasn't going to hurt you.” His voice was low, strong yet gentle, and his eyes were intensely focused on hers, the pupils narrowing to pinpoints. She felt a strange calm come over her, just enough to keep the beast from popping out of her skin. Still, it wanted out, and it wasn't going to be lulled by a

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