Taming The Biker - A MC Biker Romantic Suspense Story

Taming The Biker - A MC Biker Romantic Suspense Story by K.L. Middleton, Cassie Alexandra Page A

Book: Taming The Biker - A MC Biker Romantic Suspense Story by K.L. Middleton, Cassie Alexandra Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.L. Middleton, Cassie Alexandra
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why do you care? And secondly, how many girls do you think he’s already hurt or will hurt?”
    “I don’t know but we need to let the cops take care of this.”
    “There won’t be any evidence that he did anything. It will be a waste of time.”
    “What do you mean? Maybe they can test my blood for proof that I was drugged.”
    “If it’s GHB, the shit dissipates in your blood pretty quickly, from what I hear. And even if they do find something, how can you prove he actually did it? Did you see him put anything into your drink?”
    “And it was a crowded bar.”
    “It will be your word against his. No evidence.”
    “He might have some of the drug in his car or his home. The police can get a search warrant.”
    “You really want to waste your time filling out a bunch of police reports and waiting for test results, only to find out later that they don’t have any real evidence to arrest the asshole?”
    I let out a ragged breath. “No. I guess not. I have to work tonight and I’ve got classes on Monday.”
    “There you go. Let me handle it.”
    “What exactly are you planning on doing?”
    He didn’t say anything.
    He sighed. “We’ll just scare the fuck out of him. Let him know he can’t get away with that shit.”
    I frowned. “That’s really all that you’re going to do?”
    “Yeah. Sure. Why do you care what happens to that prick, anyway?”
    “I just don’t want to see anyone get hurt. “
    “Jesus, you really are a bleeding-heart, aren’t you?”
    I pictured Trevor getting arrested and it did something to me. “I just don’t want to see you get thrown in jail.”
    “I won’t.”
    “You could.”
    “Don’t worry about me.”
    “Why would you even risk it? For me? We barely know each other.”
    He took a moment to answer. “Let’s just say that I despise assholes who fucking abuse women like that. Whether it’s drugging them, pushing them around, or whatever the fuck they’re doing.” His jaw clenched. “I told you how my dad used to beat the fuck out of my mom. Had to watch that shit happen for years, until I finally had the balls to stand up to him. It may have not turned out the way I’d imagined it, but it still made me feel good. Showing my old man that I wasn’t going to let him get away with that shit. Not while I was around.”
    “You should be proud of yourself,” I said. “You were obviously a very brave kid.”
    “I was actually scared shitless at the time. But, I made a promise to myself that I’d never stand back and watch anyone get kicked around that didn’t deserve it. Never again. Especially, women.”
    “So, if you wanted to make a difference in that respect, why didn’t you become a cop instead of a… gang member?”
    His face grew dark. “Because this has been my life since Slammer took me in. I’d do anything for any one of my brothers. We’re family. They’ve got my back and I’ve got theirs.”
    “Yeah, but, if you’re so passionate about stopping violence again women, becoming a cop –”
    “Don’t get me started on cops. Hell, the cops couldn’t help my mom. Even the times the neighbors called them and they took my old man away. He always came back, whether it was the next day or the next week. Sure, they’d make up and everything would be good for a while. But, just for a while. Then he’d beat the shit out of her again.”
    I didn’t know what to say. Living through that would have taken away any faith I had in the legal system, too. Not that it was directly the cops’ fault. His mom had obviously allowed it to happen until she finally took off on her own.
    I remained silent and he seemed to relax. “Listen to me, don’t you go worrying your pretty little head about what’s gonna happen to Jason. You feel me?”
    I nodded. If he wanted to confront Jason, I wasn’t going to stand in the way. The asshole certainly didn’t deserve any pity from me. “Sure… I, uh, feel

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