Taming Precious Sinclair

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Book: Taming Precious Sinclair by Sasha Combs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sasha Combs
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Precious was all right. Then he wondered if the reality of her situation had finally hit home. Since leaving Michigan, they hadn’t really talked about Stone or the shows hateful fans. He wondered if he was doing the right thing by choosing not to mention the topic. But the choice had been made because Hamilton was biding his time. Giving his PR team the leeway to do what they do best. He didn’t want to talk about her problem until after there was something positive to tell her.
    Hamilton took a few more steps, moving in the direction of the bedrooms. But before he crossed into the sitting area, he stopped; opting not to disturb her. He recalled her exact words; telling him that she was tired and he had no reason to doubt her. Hell, if he were honest with himself; he needed more than a few hours of sleep. However, when the sun rose; so did his body. He’d never been a daylight sleeper and he’d never tried to force his body to do the opposite.
    Hamilton shifted on his feet, returning to the stove to finish cooking. He removed the pan that contained the burnt butter. He placed it in the sink, cleaning it with soap and water. As he did this, his thoughts were primarily on Precious and not his chore. For their first full day here, he’d wanted everything to be perfect and that had been important to him. After breakfast, Hamilton had planned to take her on a tour of the property. He’d always believed the fresh air in the mountains was an experience like nothing else. Most people knew nothing about this side of him. Hamilton enjoyed communing with nature and he’d wanted to shared this with Precious. Since buying this place, there had been no visitors; not even Sammy. No one knew about his private sanctum, except for Audrey and he trusted her implicitly. His mountain home was his private hideaway and that explained his reason for bringing Precious here. Hamilton wanted to share this part of his life with her. However, now he just wanted Precious to feel comfortable and safe in his home. He’d never been filled with so much purpose because in his past, there had never been anyone special in his life. Not until he’d met Amelia Precious Sinclair. He could admit this now because after his sleepless night, he’d come to terms with this. No longer would he doubt what his heart had been attempting to communicate to his brain.
    Chapter 5
    3 days in the wilderness,
    With no end in sight
    “What is my motivation? What is my ambition? What am I doing here?”
    With nothing purposeful to ground her, Precious had begun questioning her reality. As a money manger; her professional position demanded a measure of respect and a healthy dose of latitude. When she’d been hired to work at her fathers firm; the executives acknowledged her cunning instincts. She was known for her quick wit and snap discussions; when there was little to go on. The financial world had become something she could understand. She knew everything there was to know about money. But without the responsibilities, she felt like a fish out of water. After four nights and three days, stuck in Hamilton’s cabin; she’d done her best to hold her tongue. She also worked on curbing her overactive libido.
    After dinner each night; Hamilton would relax in a clearing to enjoy his evening smoke. Days ago, he’d taken her on a tour of the house, but she’d refused to travel beyond the front porch. Hamilton had come close to begging, but he gave up when she told him about her parents summer home. He listened amazed, hearing that she cringed at the thought of camping or engaging in any outdoor activities. Except for winter sports; and she only enjoyed these because, due to the cold, most bugs were dead.
    Precious sat on the sofa in the front room, sipping a glass of wine. One good thing she could say about Hamilton’s Mountain home. His cellar held a superior collection of wine and liquor. After dinner, he’d opened a bottle of chardonnay to

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