Talking Sense
Mia yelled. “Go away! This is a private conversation, Grace, I didn’t realise anyone could hear me.”
    “I’m knitting while I’m talking and you know I hate headphones. Anyway, Ash is concerned. He wants to know if Colm was good in bed.”
    There was an expletive in the background. Mia grinned. “That doesn’t sound like something Ash would want to know.”
    “Maybe not. It’s all right, he’s gone out of the room in disgust. But I’m very curious. I mean, Colm’s young and sexy beneath the old-professor disguise, but I wondered if he’d be a bit, you know, timid for you.”
    “I worried about that too,” Freya admitted. “I had visions of you bossing him about and him getting all flustered and apologising all the time. Did that happen?”
    “Um, no.”
    “Ooh.” The two girls waited for more details. Mia bit her lip, unusually tongue-tied.
    “Come on,” Freya demanded, “you can’t leave it there. Did he turn all alpha male?”
    “Um, sort of.” Mia closed her eyes at the memory of him pinning her down and thrusting her into next week.
    “I’m getting goose bumps,” Freya said. “I can’t imagine him all grrr .”
    “He was very grrr ,” Mia had to admit. “Surprisingly grrr. ”
    “Swear out loud?” Grace prompted. Mia had once teased her that the way to judge a good session was whether you swore out loud or not.
    Mia’s lips curved. “Maybe.” She could help but add, “Three times.”
    The two girls burst out laughing and Freya cheered. “Yay, Mia!”
    “I know.” She gave a long, heavy sigh and capitulated. “Okay, he was fantastic. Beyond belief.”
    “Ooh. Who’d have thought it of the inelegant Irishman?” Grace said.
    “He’s not inelegant. Well, not in bed anyway. He was next morning.” Mia giggled.
    “What happened?”
    “We went to settle the bill the next day and found out that our neighbour had complained about the banging of the headboard.”
    The two girls joined her in a fit of giggles. “What did he do?” Freya asked.
    “He blushed beautifully. A very pretty shade of fuchsia, most becoming. He protested that he’d just been doing energetic sit-ups, but I could see the owner wasn’t convinced. She smirked, and he went all stuttery and walked into the doorpost. It was quite endearing.”
    Grace sighed. “Oh sweetie, I’m so pleased for you. The sex, I mean, not the walking-into-the-wall part.”
    “Yeah.” Sadness settled over Mia. “It’s a shame it can’t go any further.”
    They both went quiet for a moment.
    “Are you sure about that?” Freya said eventually. “I seem to recall saying exactly the same thing.”
    “Me too,” Grace added.
    “Yeah, I know, but this is different. He lives in Ireland.”
    “He can move,” Freya suggested. “Or you can move. It’s not the end of the world. Well, I know being in New Zealand feels like being at the end of the world sometimes, but you know what I mean.”
    Mia ran her hand through her hair in frustration. “I don’t want to move to Ireland. I like it here. I have a job.”
    “Then maybe he’ll consider moving here,” Grace said.
    “But his family’s there—”
    “Mia,” Grace said gently, “all we’re saying is that there’s always a way. We’ve proved—twice—that relationships we never thought would work have had a happy ending. Who’d have thought I’d marry a medium, for Christ’s sake? Me?! Miss Sceptic?”
    “And I was determined not to get involved with anyone,” Freya said.
    “I know ,” Mia insisted . “But it’s just sex…” Her voice trailed off at their gales of laughter, and she had vague recollections of them both saying the same thing over and over again before they finally caved and admitted it was more.
    “I’m going now,” she said huffily.
    “Bring him to the party on Wednesday,” Freya said. She and Nate were flying in at two in the afternoon, and Grace and Ash were throwing a party in the evening to welcome them back.
    “I can’t,” Mia

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