Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf

Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf by A. E. McCullough Page B

Book: Tales of the Wolf: Book 01 - The Coming of the Wolf by A. E. McCullough Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. E. McCullough
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vast open plains, and rocky ravines and across many crystal clear streams, Tatianna began to see the beauty and attraction of the Highlands.
    They saw great herds of bison or what Hawkeye had called buffalo, several packs of wolves, a small herd of elk and three bears. Once, they even came across a rare and extremely large sabre-tooth tiger feeding on a freshly killed moose. This beautiful creature did nothing more than glare at them as they passed within fifteen yards of it. All the animals they ran across, predator or prey seemed to take no notice of them. It was as if they belonged to the Highlands.  
    Each day passed the same. Hawkeye would pull from sun up to sun down, only stopping for a brief break around midday. Shifting back into human form, he would eat the midday meal with her and recheck her bandages. As soon as they were done eating, they were off again. And each night shortly after dinner Hawkeye would shift back into his wolf form and run off into the forest.
    In the dark of the night far in the distance, Tatianna would hear the mournful howls of the wolves. She could feel the sadness and loneliness carried in their song. It stirred her soul. On the eighth night after they had left the clearing, Tatianna stood slowly and hobbled over to the edge of the light given off by the campfire.
    Glancing at the dark sky, she knew the new moon hung somewhere overhead, invisible, yet still watching. Studying the stars in the late autumn sky, she felt all alone and slightly sad. Hobbling back to the fire, she crawled under her furs and tried to sleep.
    It was well after midnight before Hawkeye returned to the camp. Waking quietly, she found him staring into the heart of the fire. Biting her lip for a moment, she chose to take this opportunity to ask a question that had always bothered her.
    Even though she spoke softly, in the still of the night her voice seemed quite loud. “Hawkeye, why do wolves howl at the moon?”
    He didn’t move for several minutes. She was beginning to think he was asleep but then his voice, full of regret and grief cut through the night air.
    “We sing to Luna each night in remembrance.”
    Turning to face her, she could see in the faint light of the fading fire that his eyes were full of tears.
    “We remember our loved ones, our children, our friends, our family, all those that have gone before us. We also sing to Luna to let her know we have not forgotten her or her words.”
    He poked at the fire with a long stick and it roared back to life.
    “There is an ancient legend concerning the birth of my people and the first war of the Gods. It is late so I’ll tell you only the part that concerns our singing to Luna. After the first war, when mankind was on the brink of destruction, the goddess Luna brought my ancestors to this land.”
    “During the first Godwar, Luna’s followers suffered greatly. So much, that in the end, there were only nine men and nine women left out of all of her followers.”
    “Gathering them around her, she addressed them. ‘You are the last of my chosen people. We have suffered greatly in the war and our numbers are few but we shall overcome.’ She pointed to the surrounding land. ‘This is now your land. It is a harsh land in an unforgiving world. It is my belief that which does not kill you will only make you stronger. If we are to survive the next battle with the Great Enemy, we will need to be stronger. “
    “Therefore I give each of you the power of the beasts to call upon at will. There are nine of you and so there shall be nine tribes; the Wolf, Wolverine, Bear, Boar, Owl, Raven, Puma, Fox and Lynx. I charge each of you to train your followers and teach them the Code of the Wild. One day I will again call on you, my chosen people, to do battle once again. Be ready!’  And so saying, Luna turned into a large eagle and flew off into the night never again to be seen by mortals.”
    Breaking eye contact, Hawkeye poked at the fire stirring up more embers

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