Taking the Reins
Edward’s direction.
    â€œAll right then sir, here’s what I think.” Edward spoke slowly, feeling for the correct words. “Instead of paying me to do it, you ought to pay Katherine here to exercise Nugget and groom her too. Do that, and before much time goes by Emma will happen along on her own.”
    Bentley looked uncertain, but Katherine jumped at the opportunity. “I would love it!” she said. “I could ride Nugget every day after school! And if Emma asks me to teach her, I’ll help her learn to ride.”
    Katherine could scarcely imagine why she deserved so much good luck in one day. Unable to keep a smile from spreading across her face, she turned from Edward’s pleased expression to Mr. Bentley’s grim one. The man looked baffled, as if the very idea that others might see the world differently from himself had never once occurred to him.
    â€œI fail to understand why she would,” he growled. “You don’t know Emma, she is a very stubborn young lady and won’t stand for anyone telling her what to do.”
    â€œSorry, sir, but I disagree. I know Emma, perhaps better than anyone,” Edward pointed out. “I watched her the day she stepped off the steamer. Our Emma held her head so proud!” He smiled, remembering. “So, sir, I do understand how Emma feels. That girl needs to make up her own mind whether to come here or not. You’re correct that she will never be forced into anything, but Emma’s own curiosity will bring her here. I’m certain of it.”
    Bentley glanced from Edward to Katherine, his face glum, as if he would prefer to be the one who knew Emma best.
    â€œIt’s easier for us to know how Emma feels,” Katherine explained, in an attempt to make him feel better, “not being quite so old as yourself.”
    At this, Bentley’s eyebrows lowered and his mouth pulled into a rigid line. The man looked so disgruntled Katherine decided it was time to stop talking altogether. Everything she said turned out to be wrong. She turned to Edward in a silent appeal, but he only shook his head and kept his own mouth shut tight.
    The silence lengthened. Soaked to the skin, Katherine shivered in a cool breeze that blew through the wide barn door. She watched Mr. Bentley, certain he would change his mind about letting her ride Nugget after the way she insulted him, even if she hadn’t meant to.
    He stood very still, staring out the door, his right fist pressed against his beard, right elbow cupped in his left hand. The man most definitely did not look happy. More, he seemed stunned, as though he had just been delivered some very bad news. Did the man never look in a mirror? Did he really think himself young?
    Edward’s hands hung loosely in his pockets. He appeared to have developed an uncommon interest in the rafters above their heads. Or perhaps he was searching for a quick means of escape.
    At last Bentley grunted, in the same way George always did when he couldn’t think what to say. Katherine lifted her chin, bracing herself for bad news.
    The man dropped his hand and turned to Katherine, his face so stern and unforgiving that she cringed. “All right then,” he snapped, “we’ll try it your way.” He strode from the barn without a backward glance.

    The following day at school, Katherine could scarcely concentrate. She sat at her little wooden desk and attempted to keep her mind on her work, but the lessons here were not nearly so challenging as in England. With over fifty pupils of all ages and abilities, Mr. Brett had a difficult time teaching everyone and had no time to prepare special lessons for Katherine.
    The final bell had not finished ringing when Katherine grabbed her books and ran out the door. Hunched over the little bundle, she scurried through driving rain and splashed over thick, slippery mud so deep in places she was forced to take slow steps, pulling her boots one

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