Taking the Bait
visited her earlier in the morning before I started to get ready for the wedding. I wanted to let her know that I loved her, and I wished she could have been the one to help me get ready, but I demanded that she be around when it was time to see her grandbaby.
    It was time to walk down the makeshift aisle in the Sullivan’s barn. There was a lot more people present than I expected to be there. Most of the town who hadn’t been working made it a point to come. They were all thoroughly searched per Dante’s command, but no one seemed offended by it, given the incident five days ago.
    I selected a gown that was mostly white. It’s only bit of color was the lovely black trim on the bust line, which enhanced my breasts. It was surprising to me that such a beautiful ball gown would be in the dresses he brought. When I asked him about it he said, “I knew we were getting married and I wanted it to be soon, so I ordered it with the rest of the clothes.” I just smiled at his unwillingness to let me go.
    “Papa, are you sure you can do this?” I asked as I looked at my worn out father as we walked down the aisle.
    “My dearest girl, your mother would want me to be at your side. Remember you’re mine too. We made you out of love, and I’m grateful every day for you and your mother.”
    “Thank you, Papa. I love you.”
    “I love you too, my sweet. Please be happy today. I have to leave right after the ceremony, but I love you no less.”
    “You’re making me cry.”
    “Oh-oh, let me get you to him before your makeup smears. He might cut and run,” he laughed.
    “Well you’ll just have to bring him back to me,” I said just as we reached Dante.
    “I’m not going anywhere that you aren’t going.” He turned to my father and said, “Thank you, sir.”
    “Take great care of her or that filet set will be waiting for you.”
    “You’re sick, but you’ve got nothing to worry about. She’s going to have the best I have to offer.” The men shook hands before my father kissed my cheek. I felt a tingle as my father placed my hand in Dante’s strong hand. He held it tight throughout the ceremony, like he was afraid I’d run if he loosened his grip.
    The ceremony was over before I knew it, and now I was the wife of Dante Franchetti. I couldn’t believe that after such a short period I was married to the man who’d mistakenly kidnapped me.
    He was so handsome, I just stared at him. His light blue eyes radiated pure satisfaction. His brown hair was cut shorter than before, almost a military cut, making it look lighter than it was, but I liked it on him. I was stunned out of my observations, when his lips met mine. It was pure bliss as he gripped the back of my head and slid his hand onto my ass. The crowd roared with cheers. It made the sadness in my heart ease a bit.
    True to his word, my father left the wedding ceremony and returned to his vigil at my mother’s bedside.
    “Mrs. Franchetti, I hate to rush you, but we have to walk back down the aisle.”
    “Oh, sorry, I was lost in my thoughts,” I said as I looked toward the door where my father was exiting.
    “He really is happy for us, you know?” He was afraid I was hurt by my father need to leave, but I wasn’t.
    “I know. I was just admiring his love for her.”
    “She’s going to be alright.”
    “You don’t know that.”
    “No, I don’t, but I have to have hope enough for the both of us.”
    We gathered in the house with food and drinks. Dante was in a rush to get out of there before as he claims, “His dick breaks off from being so hard.” We said our goodbyes and were driven into town and to our hotel. I knew my body was going to be in trouble, and I bit off more than I could chew, but I wouldn’t regret it—not one bit.
    My heart was thumping hard as I waited for the priest to say, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.” I just pictured Flanagan’s men coming in to stop the wedding and shoot my Regan. Once he made her mine

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