Taking Faith

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Book: Taking Faith by Shelby Fallon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelby Fallon
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drove back to the drive-in. She was so tired and the sun was so warm, but she managed to eat the BLT he got her. With her feet on the dash, her shoes off and the Styrofoam cup of sweet tea in her hand, she sat back and wondered what kinds of movies they played here. And if any kind of hanky-panky ever happened. She highly doubted it.
    "Feeling better?" he asked. She looked over to see him reclined in his seat.
    "Uh, yeah. Sure."
    "You don't sound convinced."
    "I'm just so tired, that's all." She leaned over and let her head rest on his shoulder. "Drive , why don’t you."
    He chuckled and leaned his seat up, carefully so as not to dislodge her. "Yes, ma'am."
    He drove around for a while. He took every dirt and back road he knew to give her the longest ride possible. When they'd spent as much time as they could , he drove home.
    Home. Amy found herself becoming more acceptant of that word every day.
    He pulled into the garage and helped her gently out of his side. She stood in the seat and he lifted her with ease and set her feet to the pavement. Once she was there, he kissed her forehead. She sighed with the gentleness of it, but he jerked back. "You're kinda hot."
    She gave him her best smirk. He laughed and then laughed some more. "Come on, I'll get you something for it."
    She followed him in and he set her on the couch. He cam e back with a bottle of pills and a glass of orange juice. He turned on the TV and flipped it to a home improvement channel. "You were watching this the other day. You like these shows?"
    "My mom used to watch them a lot," she said as she swallowed the pills down. "It just reminds me of…her."
    "You miss her," he said softly, but it wasn't a question.
    She nodded. "Sure. She was…pretty awesome."
    "Hmm." He put his hands on his hips. "Well, maybe one day I'll take you to see her."
    She stopped. "What? How?"
    "If we act normal long enough, they'll stop watching us so closely. People have taken short trips before. I'll just make up something for work and you'll just have to come with me." He smiled and looked at her hopefully. He was trying to please her and he wanted to see her smile.
    So she did . "I'd love that. Thanks."
    He nodded his head to indicate it was so and took his shoes off by the door before going into the kitchen. Amy leaned back, pulling her legs up to her chest and watched as a man told a lady that painting the kitchen pink would not help with the resale value. She smiled, thinking about what her mom would have said to that.
    When she heard pots banging around, her curiosity got the best of her. She got up and peeked around the corner. He caught her instantly. "Couch, young lady."
    "What are you doing in here?"
    He looked at the stove and back to her, giving her a grin. "Straightening my hair."
    "Ha, ha." She smiled and went to peek over in his pot. He turned her and pushed her with his arms around her back to the couch. He twisted her to him and touched her cheek, letting his thumb rub caresses.
    "Will you just sit down and let me make you some dinner? All right?" he said, his voice deep and sweet. All she could do was nod. He turned, but changed direction and headed to the desk.
    "I almost forgot about this. I meant to take it out days ago." He opened a locked drawer with a key from his ring and pulled an old rotary telephone out. "Do you want to, uh…call Elena, maybe?" She felt her eyebrows rise and he smiled sadly."You're not my prisoner anymore, Amy."
    She just sat and looked at him. He left to go back to the kitchen and she chewed on her lip. He was like a completely different person from three weeks ago. So she picked up the phone and the small black book he'd laid beside it, and looked up Alex's number. When he answered she was almost scared of what he'd do, but he just said, "Sure," and gave the phone over to Elena.
    They talked for about twenty minutes as Amy poured out her heart to the only person she c ould. Elena sounded pretty great , which she hadn't ex pected. She

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