Taken by the Admiral

Taken by the Admiral by Sue Lyndon Page B

Book: Taken by the Admiral by Sue Lyndon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sue Lyndon
after we landed on Varishema.”
    She blew out a breath and stared at him, her eyes wide and her mouth open. “So that’s what took so long after we landed. I can’t believe you… you…” Her voice trailed off and tears glimmered in her gaze. She lurched at him, wrapping her arms around him and hugging him tight.
    “You approve of my order?”
    “Approve of it? Are you kidding? I’m overjoyed, Cavvik! Those in command positions make up a small fraction of the population on the Constantina . Rebellions have already been brewing for some time, and your message will surely convince thousands of my people to finally overthrow the captain. I am certain my people will survive now.” She pulled back and rained kisses on his face, before pressing her lips hard against his with a moan.
    “It’s time for bed, little human. I insist.” He swept her up in his arms and carried her up the spiral staircase to the highest level of his home. The few servants who had been doing last-minute chores scampered out his way and made themselves scarce as he strode down the wide hallway toward his chambers. He kicked the door shut behind him and brought Lia to the bed, laying her down gently as a sudden tenderness took hold of him.
    The joyful gratitude she’d shown him as she thanked him for helping her people had touched him. Blessed One, he thanked every star in the vast sky above for this small human female. She had a good heart and had already thawed the coldest, hardest parts of him. She brought warmth and light to his life, shining her bright spirit on all the shadows lurking in his soul and mending the wounds left by countless battles he had fought while a protector and an admiral.
    Of course, he knew she had fought her own battles as well. She had survived in a dark, repressive environment and came out on the other side, stronger than before. She was no longer the shaking, terrified girl she’d been when he’d found her curled up in the transporter room. Not long after he’d claimed her as his mate, she had started to blossom and thrive in her new surroundings.
    “Wait here. You haven’t had a plug inside you yet today. We must not become lax with your anal training, because rest assured, little human, I plan to claim your ass with my cock very soon.”
    She sat up on her elbows, her chest rising and falling quickly under her rapid breaths, drawing his attention to the swell of her breasts in the fitted top of her gown. “You brought the plugs? I didn’t see you carrying any luggage to the hovercraft.”
    He lifted an eyebrow at her as he dug around in a dresser for the box of plugs. “My belongings were packed after we left and transported here on another hovercraft that arrived while we had dinner. A servant unpacked while we ate, and tomorrow another servant will arrive with the new gowns I’ve ordered you from the city. Now, where is it…?” He reached under several folded shirts and felt the hard box. Withdrawing it from the dresser, he flipped the lid open and approached Lia.
    “Why did you have the butt plugs, anyway? And the strap? I mean, you hadn’t planned on taking a human mate, had you? The doctor mentioned a mating ceremony and you’ve never told me what that’s about.” She smiled, but it looked painfully forced.
    “Are you asking if I entertained another female in my quarters before your arrival?”
    Her cheeks burned and she glanced away, crossing her arms and glaring at the wall. “Yes, I suppose that’s what I’m asking.”
    “Lia, my sweet, you can relax. There’s no need to be jealous, though you do look rather cute right now with your face flushed so pink. The only women I’ve entertained are the Varishan females in the pleasure houses on Varishema, but it’s been ages since I’ve had the time to stop by one of those establishments. In anticipation of the mate I would take upon my return to Varishema, I purchased the plugs and strap at a Varishan trading outpost not long before you

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