Taken! Alphabet Series - 26 Original Taken! Tales (Donald Wells' Taken! Series Book 14)

Taken! Alphabet Series - 26 Original Taken! Tales (Donald Wells' Taken! Series Book 14) by Donald Wells Page B

Book: Taken! Alphabet Series - 26 Original Taken! Tales (Donald Wells' Taken! Series Book 14) by Donald Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Wells
Tags: detective, Suspense, Thrillers, Women Sleuths, Mystery
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    He looked at both detectives in turn.
    “Your case sounds weak; those two thugs hardly make for good witnesses.”
    Smith spread his hands.
    “It’s all we’ve got for now.”
    T hey left the hospital after visiting hours, and parked outside Vinnie D’s Bar & Grill . 
    Jessica looked around at the packed lot.
    “This place does a good business, and the patrons appear to be respectable types.”
    “Smith told me that the bar is legit. It’s owned by Vinnie, but managed by Richie, who is also Vinnie’s younger brother.”
    A short time later, he noticed furtive movement in the side view mirror.
    “We’ve got company, Smith and Jones,”
    Smith extended a finger and rotated it in a counterclockwise circle, indicating that they should lower their windows.
    “Dr. White, I thought you agreed to stay out of this.”
    “I’ll do what I think is best for my brother.”
    “If Vinnie D spots you, there will be trouble.”
    “What’s the D stand for?” he asked.
    Smith answered with a smile.
    “His name is Vincent Darling. If I was a mobster and my last name was Darling, I would hide that fact too.”
    He pointed out the window.
    “There’s movement.”
    Jones squinted at the figure walking out of the alley.
    “That’s the brother, Richie, and he looks to be in a hurry.”
    A few minutes after Richie left, Vinnie D came out and got in his car.
    Smith and Jones scowled at them.
    “Go back to your motel and let us do our jobs,” Jones said.
    He ignored them and followed along at a distance, to a new development of upper-middle class homes. There were twenty or so houses built in a horseshoe shape that was carved out from a stretch of woods.
    They had driven past several similar developments on their way there and they all looked so much alike that he wondered if the residents ever turned into the wrong street by mistake.
    Vinnie D left his car and walked towards a house in the middle of the horseshoe. As he went up the steps, the front door opened and he went inside.
    When they were spotted by Smith and Jones just moments later, the detectives charged at them, and he lowered his window.
    Smith pointed at him.
    “Leave right now or we’re placing you under arrest for obstruction of justice.”
    The shots startled all of them, and Jones whipped out her gun and ran towards the house.
    “Leave now!” Smith ordered, and followed her.
    As Jones reached the house, Vinnie D bolted outside, following behind him was Jenna Dawson, and she was holding a gun.
    “Drop that weapon!” Jones said.
    Jenna Dawson came to a stop and stared at her.
    “I said drop it.”
    The gun fell to the ground, and then Jenna pointed a finger towards Vinnie D, who was being frisked by Smith.
    “He killed my husband!”
    Vinnie gawked at her.
    “The bitch is crazy. She called me here, said her husband was out playing poker and she wanted to see me, then as soon as I stepped inside, I heard shots coming from upstairs.”
    Smith cuffed him and began reading him his rights.
    From where they were parked, Jessica caught sight of something moving among the trees at the rear of the property and pointed it out to her husband; it was the bobbing and weaving of a flashlight beam as it was carried across uneven ground.
    He went in pursuit, by driving away and into the neighboring development on the other side of the trees, where a similar collection of homes stood.
    When the man emerged from the thicket of trees and headed for a car, he came up behind him.
    “What’s going on, Richie?”
    Richie Darling spun around, looked at him, and began to cry.
    T hey took him to their motel room to talk.
    Richie was shaking with slight tremors, as he came down from the adrenalin his body had fed his system, during the previous hour of stress he’d endured.
    “I killed Bob Dawson. The son of a bitch was abusing Jenna and needed to be put down, but actually doing it... I almost vomited afterwards.”
    “You love Jenna Dawson, don’t

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