
Taken by Desiree Broussard Page B

Book: Taken by Desiree Broussard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Desiree Broussard
Tags: Romance, Vampires
for a holiday-themed ball and celebration. In order to accommodate the residents, he'd decided to host it at the amphitheater, which was why his men were currently complaining. He'd set quite a monumental task upon their shoulders with little warning, but Kosmas had no doubt that they wouldn't fail him.
    He couldn't deny their bitching was quite amusing. Not only had he requested that they install wooden platforms over the sandy, rocky ground, but he'd also requested that they set up the largest Scotch pine tree that they could find. He'd even went so far to sketch out his plans, not wanting to leave any stoned unturned. His orders were quite detailed, as he wanted it to be perfect for his mate. Magical. It hadn't escaped his notice how Keely used the word several times when she'd described her past holidays. He was determined to give her everything she wanted and more.
    They were combining the Christmas celebration with the next concubine market. Keely had suggested it, and Kosmas had seen the wisdom of her words. The vampires would be happy over the new matings, and participating in a mortal tradition would likely ease the fears of the human females. He wanted to make the transition as smooth as possible for their newest arrivals. Kosmas knew better than anyone how needed they were.
    The space plane would arrive within the hour. Not only would it contain the concubines, but it would contain everything Kosmas needed to make her Christmas complete. He restrained his chuckle of glee as he thought back to the reactions of his men when he'd handed them his list. Their bitching had been loud and long as they'd perused its contents out loud. Most of them hadn't had a clue when they'd come to several of the items, such as light sets, Santa suits, and mistletoe, but that was okay. He was just as confused as they were, but they didn't need to know that. Kosmas expected them to improvise and get him what he needed on their trip.
    It was the day before Christmas Eve, and he knew there wasn't much time to finalize their preparations. Would she be pleased with the final result? Kosmas hoped so. There was much work left ahead of him, but he didn't want Keely to know it. He wanted to surprise her with the transformation.
    But Kosmas did have one surprise that he needed to share with her. “Zander will be returning to Golden Harbor,” he informed Keely, his hands sliding up to cup her breasts. They were swollen from pregnancy, her nipples even more sensitive than they generally were. Kosmas loved suckling them, and he couldn't wait until the day her milk came in. The thought of tasting it was strangely erotic. “But not for good. I've invited him to the celebration, and he's bringing some of his council members with him. Things have been tense in Diabolos since he took over leadership, and I am hoping that some of this Christmas magic will rub off on them. Thankfully, the majority of the people there don't seem to share Laryn's crueler nature, but we are still not where we need to be with them. They are resistant to joining with us, but they have little choice. It has already been decided. We just need to help them accept it.”
    “Is he... well?” Keely asked hesitantly, her voice low. Even though Kosmas no longer felt any jealousy over her concern for Zander, he didn't like the plaintive tone of her voice. She still felt guilt over hurting the other man, although he deemed it unnecessary. The past was done. The best man, at least for her, had won.
    “Of course he is. Why wouldn't he be?” Kosmas retorted lightly, but it wasn't completely true. From all accounts, Zander had changed. Although Kosmas hadn't personally seen him since he'd left, his advisers were full of information. They said Zander ruled Diabolos with a firm hand, which didn't worry Kosmas, but the other details did. Zander was reported to be cold and bitter, his harshness negatively impacting his position. He needed to be firm, it was essential to establish control of

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