Take My Heart...: Dark Ages - Fantasy (Dark Gods & Tainted Souls Book 3)
connection with the unseen or some bullshit, but I’m not sure it ever did, besides it’s awful and pointless. I like being able to see, besides our gods have lessened in their demands of us as ours have of them,” she said.
    Grimm had no idea what that meant, there was still so much he didn’t know.
    They had reached the small camp. The other members of the clan put down spears, bows, and their long hooked swords and welcomed him by the fire. As they sat he saw people coming from the tents, children, women and all the men too old to fight, there was ,at least, a hundred of them. The small children ran around him like a flock of small birds, they reached out and touched his white skin and ran off laughing as he spoke to them in his version of their tongue.
    She laughed at him and shooed them away. Gripping his wrist like a fellow warrior she shook. “I’m Seek,” she held out her hands. “And these are the people your friend is coming to kill.”
    “He doesn’t want to clearly, that’s why he sent me,” Grimm said back, taking the offered seat and drink of warmish milk. It was laced with something that tasted like grain alcohol.
    “He doesn’t, but his new master does. What do you know of the king and his legion of eagles?” she said.
    “Not a lot, they call themselves the Order of the Learned. They hate the gods it seems, they hate powers and rituals, they like rules and order, they are bald as cocks as we’d say back home,” he said.
    She laughed. “They are very dangerous, the face you see of them is just the new face, they have been around for hundreds and hundreds of years,” she said.
    “Doing what,” He asked.
    “Doing what their god tells them to, spreading fear in his name. We have seen his work in this world and the other and your friend the one called. Seth.” She actually laughed. “He has upset his plans so very badly.”
    Grimm laughed at himself, it would be like Seth to ruin the plans of a god without knowing it. “In what way?” Grimm asked.
    “This is a war Grimm, we left our own lands hundreds of years ago because the worship of the sun was outlawed, our people are all but converted to the Pellosi ways now. We call the sun the many faced bringer, he is the sun and the rain, the flame and the water but as we were weakened so was he. Our legends say he fought a great monster and was in prison, but the Druheim set him free.”
    “But the sun was only gone in the land of the dead, not here?” Grimm asked.
    “True, the many faced bringer was too strong here in this place, but weak in the land of the moon children, they made him weak and trapped him”
    “Why?” Grimm said knowing well the answer.
    “The sun brings hope, it brings light and happiness. They want to create darkness and fear, where there is no light there is no hope.”

    Chapter Nineteen.
    Seth walked from the now deserted decks of The Opulent. The huge ship was resting against a small pier clearly not built for such a massive vessel. He knew it well and had spent much time here as a boy, it was near his hometown of Bloodcrest. Checking his weapons one more time, Seth took a deep breath in of the familiar cold air of home and walked down the wooden plank to the dock.
    It was a typical northern day like he’d not seen in such a very long time. His voyage from here to the land of the dead had only been something like a year but he was not the same simple boy who had left. He’d been filled with so many simple dreams and hopes to do his Volk proud and show the northern skill in the city guard, now look at him. He had no idea if they would be proud of him or throw rotten food like he was a criminal in the stocks. Still this was clearly not his home, it looked and smelled the same but again it seemed false, like painted props and stagecraft.
    As Seth walked up the small pier he saw two men appear from the fog. They were dressed in the house colors of Bloodcrest and carried typical broadswords across their backs.

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