Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Page B

Book: Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
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Of course she knew Kimm, but there was something in the way Shawnie said it that gave her a funny feeling.
    " Hi, Kimm, " she said.
    " Listen, I ' ve got to run, " said Kimm. " I need to get a book from the media center before the bell rings. "
    " See you later, " Shawnie called out as Kimm raced down the hall. Then, turning to Taffy, she said, " Kimm ' s awfully nice. Did you know that her grandmother was born in China? "
    " No, " answered Taffy, feeling a stab of jealousy. Shawnie was supposed to be her best friend. So why was she talking so much about Kimm?
    " Cory and I just got your postcards yesterday saying you ' d be back today, " said Shawnie. " Have you seen him yet? "
    " No, " replied Taffy, adding quickly. " I hope he still likes me. Six weeks is a long time to be gone. "
    " Don ' t worry. He still likes you—a lot! Now, come on, " Shawnie urged her. " Hang up your jacket, and let ' s see if we can find him. "
    Taffy nodded and tried her combination again. This time the lock popped open. She hung her jacket on a hook and carefully stacked her books on the top shelf, keeping out only the ones she would need for her morning classes.
    " Have you noticed how everyone ' s staring at me? I know it ' s not because I don ' t have on my pajamas, " she said a few minutes later as she and Shawnie strolled down the hallway. " I mean, it ' s true that I went to a lot of Hollywood parties and met tons of famous stars, but . . ."
    " Yeah, like Raven Blaine, " chimed in Shawnie, raising her eyebrows. " That had to be a totally awesome experience. "
    Taffy felt her face color slightly at the mention of the handsome boy whom she had met while she was in Hollywood. Raven Blaine was one of the biggest teen idols in the world, and she fondly touched the small gold star on the delicate chain that hung around her neck. Her name was engraved on one side, and it had been a gift from Raven to celebrate her movie debut.
    Taffy sighed at the memory. In her wildest dreams she had never imagined that someone like Raven Blaine could possibly be interested in her, much less send her presents. She had wanted to pinch herself each time they were together to make sure it was true. But Raven was in Hollywood, and she was here. She wasn ' t sure how long it would take to get over her crush on him. But Cory Dillon was her boyfriend here at home, and she cared about him, too.
    " You didn ' t tell Cory about Raven, did you? " she asked quickly.
    " Of course not, " said Shawnie, giving Taffy a reassuring smile. " And what he doesn ' t know won ' t hurt him, right? "
    Taffy returned Shawnie ' s smile, but her friend ' s words had given her a sinking feeling. " I sure hope not, " she murmured.

    As s he walked along the hallway with Shawnie, Taffy could see heads turning her way and kids whispering as she went past. Obviously they were talking about her. The idea made her tingle all over. Probably everybody was dying to hear what it was like to be a movie star, and lots of kids were bound to be jealous.
    It ' s definitely good to be back, she thought.
    When they reached the stairway, Shawnie wiggled her fingers good-bye and headed upstairs to her homeroom. " I ' ll see you in the cafeteria at noon, okay? " she called back over her shoulder.
    " Right, " Taffy responded. She rushed toward her own homeroom, giggling to herself at seeing so many kids in their pajamas.
    At the same time, she was still on the lookout for Cory. She could hardly wait to see him again. Taffy was checking for Cory among the faces in the crowd coming toward her when she heard voices behind her.
    " Dekeisha Adams just told me that she saw Taffy Sinclair in front of school a few minutes ago, " exclaimed Beth Barry. Beth was one of The Fabulous Five, the group of girls who had been Taffy ' s worst enemies at Mark Twain Elementary and had even had a club against her in fifth grade.
    " Wow. I wonder if she has on a black satin negligee for Pajama Day, " Katie Shannon remarked

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