Taffy Sinclair 008 - Taffy Sinclair and the Melanie Make-Over

Taffy Sinclair 008 - Taffy Sinclair and the Melanie Make-Over by Betsy Haynes Page A

Book: Taffy Sinclair 008 - Taffy Sinclair and the Melanie Make-Over by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
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it ' s going to be taught by Laura MacLeod! "
    " Laura MacLeod the model? " gasped Beth. " She ' s famous. Her picture is on the cover of half the magazines in the supermarket. "
    " Yeah, " said Christie. " Isn ' t she married to that movie star Jedd McBain? "
    Melanie nodded. " That ' s her, and she ' s in charge of the school. It ' s called Runway to Beauty, and classes will be held every Saturday afternoon for five weeks. Taffy says that at the end there ' s going to be a fashion show right there in Tanninger ' s, and I ' m going to be in it! Isn ' t that great? "
    Katie sneered. " A modeling school at Tanninger ' s, huh? Where did Taffy get her information? "
    " Her mother knows Laura MacLeod! When she told Mrs. Sinclair about the school, she signed up Taffy ahead of everybody. It hasn ' t even been in the newspaper yet. Taffy says I should sign up, too. Right now, before everybody else finds out about it and the classes fill up. She says that she knows a lot about modeling and show business and things like that because she ' s been on television and that I ' d be a natural as a model. "
    Oh, brother, I thought. It was true that Taffy had been on television. She had a teensy little part in a soap opera called Interns and Lovers , where she played the part of a girl dying of leukemia, but it was such a tiny part that she didn ' t even say any lines. How could that make her an expert on modeling and show business?
    " Modeling is disgusting, " said Katie, almost spitting out the words. " It ' s degrading to women. It turns them into sex objects. " Katie is the feminist of our group, and she always puts in her two cents about things like that.
    Beth looked confused. " I thought you said it was beauty contests that were degrading to women. "
    Katie shot her a poison-dart look. " They are. But so is modeling. "
    " What I don ' t understand is how you could stand to be around Taffy Sinclair for five straight Saturdays, " said Christie. Melanie dropped her eyes, looking embarrassed. Then Christie went on, " What I also don ' t understand is how you could walk to school with her and stand around talking to her instead of being with your best friends. "
    " I ' m sorry, " Melanie murmured. She scuffed one foot in the dirt while she spoke. " It ' s just that she was talking to me about being a model and stuff. Taffy even said . . ." She didn ' t finish her sentence when she looked at the rest of us and saw that she wasn ' t getting any sympathy. " Just forget about it, " she said with a sigh.
    Fortunately the first bell rang before anyone could say anything else. As we trudged silently to our lockers, I couldn ' t help thinking that I was beginning to smell trouble for The Fabulous Five—trouble spelled Taffy Sinclair .

    I forgot all about Melanie the moment I got to the hall where my locker stood. Suddenly the air was split by a hideous sound. The fire alarm! Then I noticed that there was a bluish haze in the air and it smelled smoky. Kids started rushing past me, heading for the door.
    " Come on, Jana! There ' s a fire! " yelled Curtis Trowbridge. He grabbed me by the arm and swung me around, pulling me in the direction the crowd was going. " It ' s in the girl ' s bathroom. The trash can is smoldering. "
    " Yipes! " I shouted as I raced along with Curtis. " A fire? In the girls ' bathroom? Has anybody called the fire department? " I knew that if anybody would know, Curtis would. Curtis may be the nerd-of-the- world, but he ' s also sixth-grade editor of the Mark Twain Sentinel , and he ' s always after a story.
    " Not yet, " Curtis said. " The custodian just went in to try to put it out. "
    When we got outside, there were clusters of kids everywhere, and all of them were talking about the fire in the girls ' bathroom.
    " I ' ll bet some girl was in there smoking, " said Joel Murphy. He was smirking as if he knew everything.
    " Yeah, " said Mark Peters. " That ' s just like girls, sneaking into the bathroom to smoke.

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