Swords of Rome

Swords of Rome by Christopher Lee Buckner Page B

Book: Swords of Rome by Christopher Lee Buckner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christopher Lee Buckner
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come. However, they did, from the hill like raving madmen. We held our ground against several charges as the bastards bashed into our shields, times and time again, until finally they broke. Nevertheless, your father, who was the chief centurion of the cohort, did not fall for the trap. He ordered our forces to hold their ground, but I, foolishly disobeyed. By century advanced, determined to slaughter the cunts to the last man, but it was then when we were at our most vulnerable that they hit us from either side. With the hills around us, we couldn’t form proper ranks, so my century was being slaughtered almost to the last man.”
    Valerius’ words were growing angrier as, he detailed the encounter, becoming more animated as he went into further description of the fighting that followed the ambush.
    Gaius hung on his every word as he inched closer to Valerius. He tried to imagine what the old veteran must have been like, young and strong as he battled the horde of bloodthirsty Carthaginians and their allies.
    “Eventually m ost of my men ran back to our primary line, which was now beginning to pull out under the threat of being encircled by a superior force, a wise choice on your father’s part. I, on the other hand, was lost in my rage. I stood my ground as my men withered all around me, holding my own against any bastard who challenged me. However, even I in my youth wasn’t Mars; I’m shameful to admit now.”
    “What did you do? How did you survive?”
    “The whore-son’s had me surrounding, at least twenty of them, and despite the bodies that lay beneath my feet, they weren’t fearful of the Roman officer who stood defiant. They teased me, using their spears to slow me, taking pot-shots when they could – pierce my leg, my arm and my hip. I was done for, either then or later when they took me prisoner, but then I heard your father’s war cry as he charged down the field on top a horse. Where he got one I can’t imagine, but he looked like the god Apollo coming to my rescue.”
    “Wow! Apollo?” Gaius mused with a wide grin.
    “Oh yes, m y boy. He charged into the Carthaginian ranks, killing at least three of them before I regained my wits and finished off another pair.”
    Valerius paused for a moment as he took a deep breath.
    “But one of the bastards tossed a spear, which tripped the horse. Your father was thrown from it, landing on his head. He lived and seemed no worse of ware, but he cracked his helmet straight now its seam. Blood gushed from a deep gash across his head, but strangely, he did not seem fazed by it at all. He charged at the remaining soldiers, crazed with madness, killing I dare say, more than I. Those who stood alive ran off, giving your father, and I time to escape the battlefield.”
    “Then he saved you?”
    “Yes, but with a price. As we were leaving, several miles safely from their territory, your father collapsed and would not wake up for a very long time. I carried him back to our legion camp and got him the help he needed. For a while, I wasn’t sure he would ever wake up again, but he did, and again, probably thanks to his hard head; he seemed okay.”
    “I don’t understand,” Gaius asked as he now sat right next to Valerius, trying to wrap his young mind around what was being said.
    “Well, you see, there are many injuries you can sustain on the battlefield that will end you slowly over time, but those taken to the head can be the worse – more terrible than death, for it will kill you over a lifetime. You may be fine for years even, but then one-day everything is different; your body won’t work anymore. You may have fits of the limb, cold sweats, raging temperatures, and much worse. A powerful man, such as your father can become as frail as a small boy, I’m afraid. And while your father would not show it to you, he knew that his time was growing ever shorter. He wanted to spare you from seeing him fall – overtaken by this old wound, one that I’m

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