Sword of Light

Sword of Light by KATHERINE ROBERTS Page A

Book: Sword of Light by KATHERINE ROBERTS Read Free Book Online
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you’ll have Excalibur. I can’t see your ghost, anyway. I’ll wait here for you and keep an eye on those Saxons. My harp still sings with blood on the strings. If you hear it, stay hidden until the knights wake up.” He managed a brave smile.
    Rhianna wanted to kiss him. Instead, she untied the dragon shield from her saddle and made him take it. She gave him the Avalonian gesture of respect. “I never thanked you for getting us out of that Saxon camp. I thought your harp would be useless against armed men, but now I see why Lord Avallach sent you with me.
    He took the shield with another smile. “Save your thanks for after you’ve found your father’s sword. You’re going to have to swim. Rather you than me.”
    “I like swimming,” she reminded him. She eyed her friend’s blisters doubtfully. “I’ll be as quick as I can. Will you be all right?”
    “I’m a prince of Avalon,” Elphin said with a grin. “Don’t worry about me. Worry about yourself, Rhianna Pendragon. You’re mortal remember?”
    Alba trotted quietly across the moonlit river, watched by a startled swan. Rhianna felt very exposed as she cantered the mare up the slope on the other side. But Elphin’s music tinkled after her, wrapping them in enchantments, and she reached the trees safely.
    She hesitated, wary of the narrow pathswhere enemies could be waiting to ambush them. Then she saw a shining figure between the trunks and smiled. “Father?” she whispered. But the ghost merely beckoned and glimmered deeper into the wood. She put the stolen horseshoes out of her mind and urged Alba into a trot, determined not to lose him.
    Her ghostly guide led her along a twisting path, always too far ahead to see his face. Soon she saw a gleam of silver water through the trunks, and they emerged into moonlight again, where the ghost vanished. Rhianna caught her breath in wonder. Despite her worry that Mordred’s men might have found the lake first, there was no sign of boats up here. Rainbows danced over the surface, reminding her of Lord Avallach’s palace. In the magical warmth, white lilies bloomed around the shore.
    She dismounted, stripped off her armour and laid it over Alba’s saddle. She put the golden torque she’d stolen from the Saxon chief on top and bundled her cloak around them. She rubbed her numb wrist and scowled at her sack-dress. Somehow, she’d imagined looking a bit more regal when she recovered Excalibur. Never mind. Nobody would see her.
    “Don’t let anyone catch you,” she warned the mare, looping the reins over the saddle.
    Of course not! I will graze this sweet grass while I wait
    She gave Alba a kiss to let the mare know she forgave her for not telling her about Evenstar’s lost shoes. Then she took a deep breath and dived into the moonlit water.

Lady of the Lake
    Riddles four must she answer right
    To claim the famous Sword of Light.
    Only the blade bloodless and clean
    May once again in Avalon gleam.
    T he lake was warmer than she’d expected. Rhianna swam as quietly as she could, using a circular stroke she’d taught herself back in Avalon to avoid splashing. Water slippedover her skin like liquid silver. The sack-dress swirled around her legs, but was short enough not to tangle them. Moonlight danced in the ripples she made. She kicked strongly, delighting in the stretch of her body and the rhythm of her stroke. She’d missed this. Just her and the water, alone with her thoughts.
    As she began to wonder how she’d ever find the sword, she saw a glimmer in the depths like an underwater star. Just as well the Saxons had not reached the lake first. A shiver went through her as she remembered their big hands on her, and how close she had come to failing her quest before she’d even started. Treading water, she peered between her feet to check she had the right place. Then she took a huge gulp of air and dived towards the glimmer.
    It was a long way down, much further thanshe’d

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