Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1)

Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1) by Sydney Addae Page A

Book: Sword of Inquest (La Patron's Sword Book 1) by Sydney Addae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Addae
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pair slowed everybody down because they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. At the time, she didn’t fully understand how overwhelming the mating dance could be.
    Her skin tightened and ached for his touch. The heat and deep low throb in her core became unbearable. It’s a miracle they were able to travel as far as they had without throwing each other to the ground and fucking like minks. With a soft smile she glanced at him asleep next to her. She traced one of the many scars on his arm and chest. Whatever surgeries they’d put him through shouldn’t have left this many scars unless they were recent. Asia had noticed scars and bruising on the test wolves as well.
    “What did they do to you?” she whispered glad he was asleep and re-scanned the area. Greggor hadn’t regrouped yet, but he would and there’d be hybrids after them, if not already. She frowned. Why the delay? They could find Hawke… she listened for the tick of the computer chip.
    Asia’s heart beat so loud she swallowed and listened harder. Nothing. No ticks and she would know that sound the rest of her life. Was it possible the chip no longer worked? What happened? She’d never been able to stop the chip that had been lodged in her brain until she’d been buried alive, died and rebooted with a clean slate. How had Hawke managed to stop the chip?
    She closed her eyes and sought their link. A surge of warmth greeted her. Even asleep he welcomed her presence. She was swept away on a tide of colorful ribbons that wrapped around her waist holding her close as moments of his life unfolded. If she could stay in that position always she would. It would be nice to know a little more about him, she thought. The second the idea crystallized snapshots flew before her eyes.
    “Whoa, slow down. I can’t see anything,” she said more to herself than the pictures. But they slowed, almost to a crawl, and she remained still as her mate’s life passed before her eyes. The slide show went in reverse from present to his past. There was no sound, and some things, like books, files or reports he read, she couldn’t make out. Asia recognized the cold eyes of Lord Boris Lancaster, the sarcastic twist to his lips, and evil sneer. One snapshot showed him patting Hawke on the shoulder as a comrade, another talking down to Hawke who kneeled in front of him, another he raised and cane and then a whip and beat Hawke without mercy.
    Horrified by the brutality a young Hawke suffered, she understood why he was priceless to the Liege. It took years for Lancaster to break Hawke’s wolf, and banish his spirit. The men had burned, starved and beaten a young Hawke to the point he should have died. That he still lived; the answer to how he survived was a secret somewhere that she’d love to know. When it came to the end, the picture shuddered and repeated itself again and again as if bumping against a wall, preventing the slide show from going forward.  Had the Liege locked Hawke’s memories as they’d done her?
    “ I’d like to see what’s hidden.” The picture slowed and the next frame came into view. A younger Hawke in Lancaster’s castle. Hawke being handed to Lancaster. Shock raced up her spine. “What?” Handed to Lord Boris? What the hell? The pictures continued but her mind remained on that one snapshot.
    Hawke as a pup running behind a much larger black wolf. Hawke in human form with a dark haired male and other men nearby.
    Her breath caught. Gunnolf. The images she’d seen of Gunnolf matched the image of one of the men sitting in a large room with Hawke and possibly his Alpha. The vision struck so hard she tumbled from the link gasping for air. Images continued to swirl in her mind. Someone gave Hawke to Lord Boris, someone in his former pack. No wonder someone wanted those memories blocked.
    Did Hawke know? How much of his memory was he able to access? She ran a fingertip across his brow. Both of them were victims of the Liege but for some reason Hawke

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