Sweet Surrender

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Book: Sweet Surrender by Kami Kayne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kami Kayne
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inside for the past four years. Her tongue pushed inside his mouth, pulling in his flavor, exploring every decadent inch. His tongue found hers, stroked, conquered, possessed. And before she realized it, she was on her back, writhing beneath him. He swung a leg over her hip, straddling her body. His hands found her breasts, kneaded their soft fullness. His fingers flicked over her nipples, and little jabbing stabs of pleasure zipped and zoomed through her body.
    “Ohmygod,” she murmured as she tipped her hips up. Her pussy ached, a pounding throb beating in time to her racing heartbeat. She needed a touch there, in her center. A stroke. No, she needed more than that. So much more.
    “Dammit,” he murmured as he sprinkled kisses over her cheeks, her eyelids, her neck. “I don’t want to want you like this. It isn’t right.”
    “Shut up. Just shut up.” She arched her back, pushing her breasts into his hands. His palms and pads of his fingers were rough, calloused. They felt so fucking good on her sensitive nipples. “I don’t give a damn about what’s right or wrong. It just is. That’s all.”
    “But I promised to protect you.” His hands skimmed down her body, and ripples of wanting quaked her. He called it wrong, but to her this was right. One hundred percent right. Her body had been waiting for this moment for a long time. His hands possessing her. His arms wrapped around her. His lips claiming her.
    “From whom?”
    “Assholes like me.” He sat back, looking down upon her with dark eyes. His face was a mask of hard male need. But in his eyes she read something else. Indecision. Confusion.
    “You’re not an asshole.” Lying like this, naked, sucking in great big gasps of air, she felt exposed and awkward.
    As if he sensed how she felt, Justin pulled the sheet over her, covering her breasts. “I am if I let this go any further.”
    “Why did you come in here tonight? It’s the middle of the night. You didn’t sneak into my room to discuss the weather.”
    “I wanted to warn you about Cody.”
    “Warn me?”
    “Cody wants you.”
    “Like you do?”
    Even in the semi-darkness, Candi could see Justin’s face was turning red. “Like I do.”
    “There’s no shame in it, Justin. None at all. Look at us. We’re attracted to each other. That’s normal. You and your brother are the sexiest men I’ve ever known. I’d have to be blind not to notice.” She pulled on his shoulder, coaxing him to lie next to her. She rolled on her side to face him. “You asked why I came here, and I’ll tell you. I came to see you. And Cody. I’ve been trying to push you two out of my head for the past four years. I’ve dated men. I was even engaged. But none of those relationships worked out. And you know why that is?”
    Justin shook his head. A wave of thick hair flopped down over his forehead.
    “Because I can’t stop wondering what if,” she said as she stared at his gorgeous face. He had a mole on his cheekbone, under his eye. It was so fucking sexy. And his eyes, a dark gray-blue, were the shade of a stormy sea.
    “’ What if ’ what?”
    “What if you and I and Cody allowed ourselves to actually acknowledge what we feel for each other.”
    “That’s crazy.”
    “no, it isn’t.”
    “Yes, it is. We can’t do that.”
    She wanted to scream. She wanted to pound on that broad chest of his until he caught her wrists in his fists and pinned them up over her head. “Why?”
    “Because we just can’t. And I know you’re going to do your damned best to break me.” He rolled over top of her, caging her head between his bent elbows. “I’m warning you, don’t do it.”
    Her breath caught in her throat. When he was like this, emanating raw power, like a wild animal on the verge of pouncing upon its prey, her nerves did crazy things. “Or what?”
    “I promise, you’ll regret it.” He bent down, brushed his mouth over hers in a teasing almost-kiss, then heaved off of her. And before she had

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