Sweet Seduction (BBW Erotica Romance)
and foot,” Rosa teased.
    “Well, if you're offering,”
I smirked, joking yet serious, “Cream and sugar,
    “You give me the cream,
I'll give you the sugar,” she said, suggestively.
    I tried to think of baseball, or
something, anything, besides how I wanted so badly to give Rosa my
cream and how she could give me her sugar anytime. I was glad to be
sitting at a desk. My cock was as hard as a baseball bat, though
not quite as long or thick, thankfully.
    “No response to
    “I'm up for it if you are.”
    Rosa giggled and I think she blushed
but she tried to hide it. She brought me a hot steaming cup of
coffee and set it down in front of me. I got a good look at her
cleavage and tried not to make it obvious that I was staring at her
soft flesh pouring out of her low cut shirt.
    “Here ya go, darlin',” said
Rosa, in her best southern diner waitress accent.
    “Thank you, Beautiful,” I
smiled, “What time do you get off?”
    “Well that's an awfully
personal question,” she said, before whispering, “But usually every
night before bed.”
    We laughed and then I realized that
she was actually flirting back at me. Rosa seemed to realize it too
and then we both composed ourselves as best we could. It was too
quiet and the awkwardness hung in the air and grew by the second.
It had all seemed like harmless teasing that neither of us expected
to go anywhere, but now it seemed like it was more serious. Like we
were stating our desires instead of just teasing one
    “Mind if I play some
    “Just keep the twerking to
a bare minimum,” I said.
    “Have you seen my ass,
there is no minimum about it,” said Rosa.
    “That's why I like it so
much,” I blurted.
    “Yeah, I bet you do, Sir
Mix A Lot,” said Rosa, breaking the tension as her cheeks flushed a
bit when she saw my embarrassment. When she realized that me
telling her I liked her big ass wasn't just another fat joke. When
she realized that not everyone saw her the way she saw herself.
That maybe someone could love and appreciate her body, even with
all the flaws she saw in the mirror that made her hate
    “I believe it was George
Washington who said that first and then Sir Mix A Lot made the
song,” I said.
    “George Washington liked
big butts?”
    “And he couldn't tell a
lie,” I said.
    “I never learned that part
in my history classes,” said Rosa.
    “Yeah, they always leave
out the part about him liking big butts, guess they didn't want the
first president to look like an uncouth pervert or
    “Guess what song is stuck
in my head now, jerk,” said Rosa.
    “Is it 'Back Door Man' by
The Doors?”
    “Is it 'Fat Bottom Girls'
by Queen?”
    “Is it...” Now I was
racking my brain for more songs about butts. I was saved by the
phone ringing. Ugh, turns out I'd have to do some work while I was
at work.
    It was so cute how Rosa sat there with
her face scrunched up in ways she didn't realize when she was
frustrated. I told her she looked cute when she was angry but that
just encouraged her rage to burn hotter and brighter as it flowed
like lava throughout her well made body, which made her even cuter.
Which made her madder, which made her cuter, it was an luscious
    There was something so wonderful and
innocent about Rosa's impotent rage and her unintentionally cute
facial expressions that awoke something deep within my heart. Of
course her body was just my type with all of her soft curves but it
was her personality that really drew me to her, she seemed to be
sunshine, and I was just a poor moth intensely drawn to
    It was a pure joy to watch Rosa dawdle
with her pen, rubbing it against her lips in an unintentionally
seductive way, before scribbling some lightning bolt of an idea
down into her notebook. Some answer to some universally
unanswerable question. I found myself trying not to stare at her
beautiful features, her full lips, big bright

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