Sweet Bravado

Sweet Bravado by Alicia Meadowes Page A

Book: Sweet Bravado by Alicia Meadowes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alicia Meadowes
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    “What… what are you doing here?”
    He sat down next to her on the divan. “Now that is a foolish question.”
    “I thought we settled everything the other day.”
    “We settled nothing the other day.”
    “I beg to differ. We made ourselves perfectly clear. We understand each other very well.”
    “No, I’m afraid
don’t understand. Perhaps you had better explain what changed your mind so quickly from wedding night to morning. I felt
     you respond to me.”
    “I… I did not.”
    “I don’t believe you.”
    “Do I offend your prowess as- a lover? Perhaps you should go to Tessa Von Hoffman for solace.”
    “Tessa? Why do you bring up Tessa at this time?” he demanded in sudden anger.
    “She is your mistress, is she not?”
my mistress!”
    “You still love her,” Nicole accused.
    “How do you know whether I still love Tessa or not?” He sprang up and paced the floor indignantly. “If the truth were known,
     I never loved Tessa. She was an enchanting diversion. Nothing more.”
    “How can you say that when… when…”
    “When what?” Valentin demanded. He stopped his pacing and stood over her.
    Nicole looked up at him with reproachful eyes.
    “What has Tessa to do with any of this, Nicole? She’s nothing to me. What I want to know is why you turned against me after
     our wedding night.”
    Some of Valentin’s bewilderment communicated itself to Nicole. Could she have been wrong? Did Tessa truly mean nothing to
    “But you spoke her name.”
    “When did I speak her name?”
    “After you… after we… after…”
    “After I made, love to you?” Valentin finished with a look of growing wonder on his face. “You mean I spoke her name that
    “Yes.” Nicole answered quietly.
    “What else did I say?” Valentin demanded.
    “Nothing.” A mere whisper.
    “Nothing!” Valentin was incredulous. “You mean these days and nights of torture were caused by nothing more than my speaking
     Tessa’s name?” He grabbed the flinching Nicole by the shoulders.
    “Nothing more? What
was necessary?” Nicole challenged.
serious,” Valentin replied, both wonder and laughter struggling to come to the surface. “You’re truly serious.” And with
     that he began to laugh.
    It was fatal. Nicole felt her cheeks burn with humiliation. She struggled for some dignity. “I do not feel it to be a laughing
    “I dare say not. Humor is
not one of your strong points, m’dear.” And he continued to laugh with increasing enjoyment.
    Seeking blindly to wound, Nicole lashed out, “I would rather lack a sense of humor than a sense of honor.”
    “Honor? Now how does honor enter into your pretty scheme of values, Nicole? I can hardly wait to hear it.”
    “Well, I did not mean exactly honor. I meant…”
    “Yes, yes, I’m all ears.”
    Valentin’s apparent enjoyment of her confusion goaded Nicole to further foolishness. “I meant…‘Manliness.’ “
    “Oh?” Valentin stopped laughing abruptly. “Manliness? I don’t quite draw the connection.” He smiled dangerously.
    “It was our wedding night.”
    “Indeed it was.”
    “And it was your lack of…” she hesitated.
    “My lack of what?” he prodded.
    “It was your blunder, not mine.”
    “So I blundered did I? Perhaps we should play out the scene again?” Without warning Valentin dragged her off the divan onto
     the Persian rug and flung himself on top of her, crushing her mouth to his in a bruising kiss. Struggling like a tigress,
     Nicole freed one arm and swung at his face, but he grabbed the arm and pinned it beneath her with the other one. This demon
     lover swept aside all resistance. He would have his way with her, and she wascarried along on a fierce tide of passion. In the deepening shadows of dusk he held her captive and she surrendered.
    “Val,” she whispered submissively next to his cheek;
    Suddenly he was up and staring down at her insolently.

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