Surge (St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders) Book 3: St. Martin Family Saga: Emergency Responders
abounded in New Orleans. Entire wedding parties would walk through the French Quarter led by a brass band playing “When the Saints Go Marching In.” She wanted that for her wedding. She also wanted to be surrounded by her family as she publicly appointed Jackson her partner for life. The plaque on the front of the church read 1794 . That was a lot of wedded bliss and she wanted to be part of the rich heritage.
    “Bug, what’s wrong?”
    “I’m just tired.”
    “Are you sure that’s all it is?” He rubbed her back and she leaned into his side.
    “Yeah, babe.” She pulled him along into the middle of the Square. All around were performers within every possible genre. A saxophonist belted out bold rough tones while a one man band dueled with him for ownership of the airwaves. A mime enacted a comical scene on the church steps. Hip-hop beats blared from speakers as a group of three men danced in synchronized perfection. Lone ballerinas, twirlers, sculptors, and caricaturists each demonstrated their skills for passersby and hoped for a little coin to be tossed their way. Actors, magicians, and even ministers performed for no one in particular, but orated in clear, deep vocal tones, which echoed across the courtyard. A woman sat in a chair, her shirt and bra pulled to reveal her breast to the air as she benefitted from the skills of a tattoo artist.
    It was truly astonishing. Clara had never really given the Square much attention before. Perhaps more in abundance than even the musicians were the psychics. With a quick survey of the area before her Clara counted nine. For some reason the Square comforted her. Perhaps it was because one could seek, without judgment, the answers to life’s questions.
    She took a seat beneath the umbrella of a palm reader. “Hi.”
    “Hello, have you chosen me?” Middle-aged with deep set and penetrating eyes, she possessed an abundance of deep mahogany hair that tumbled to her waist.
    “Yes, I have.” She smiled.
    “Welcome, I’m Claudia.”
    “Clara.” She sat in a lawn chair, Jackson stood behind her. Claudia focused on her with intense coffee bean eyes.
    “What are your needs?”
    “I need to know everything will by okay. That we will be okay.”
    “The one I love.”
    “Are you entering a new phase in your life?”
    “I hope to be.”
    “We’ll use the cards to guide you.” She placed a deck in front of Clara. “Shuffle the deck.”
    Clara picked up the cards that were a little too big for her hands and did her best to shuffle.
    When she finished, Claudia took them back and fanned them in her hands. “Choose four.”
    Clara scanned the deck. She hovered with her fingers twitching above the cards. She pulled one from each end and then worked her way in until she’d selected four.
    “Okay, now choose two cards.”
    Claudia revealed the cards, her head bopping from one row to the next. For several seconds she studied the cards. “You’re up and down all day, every day. Highs and lows. Good and bad.”
    Her eyes scanned Clara for feedback. So far the reading was right on the money. “You’ve drawn the three of swords here.” Her hand indicated the top row. “But then later the ace of swords.
    “Let’s talk about the first one that’s going to hit you. The three of swords: heartbreak, loneliness, and betrayal.”
    Clara’s lips parted and she took a harsh breath. The card boasted a giant red heart with three daggers plunged through it. No!
    “It’s got to come in order to clear out the past and make the path clear for the future. When your pain reaches its zenith the tide will start to turn. You will experience great loss and sorrow.” Clara didn’t like the suggested path ahead, but Claudia’s hand hovered over another card. “And then a complete change and pursuit of ultimate truth. Ah, we’re hatching from the chrysalis, fresh and new. A rebirth.”
    That sounded much better.
    “You will walk through the fire first. When you do, hold on

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