fine screen of the confessional.
“You’re insane. Your soul will burn for an eternity in the hottest fires of hell,” the priest said, shaking with disbelief.
“Are you saying that the official Catholic stance on insanity is eternal damnation, Father?”
“Why – I…”
“Never mind,” Henry said, and smashed his hand forcefully against the screen, breaking it out of place. The small screen popped out easily and fell into the priest’s lap. The priest tried to back away a bit, but stayed glued to the seat. He could see the madness in Henry’s eyes, and dared not doubt his threats.
The disruptive noise had finally alerted the old man sitting outside the confessional. He rose and hastily walked over, shouting, “Father Douglas? Is everything ok? What’s going –“
The deafening blast of Henry’s revolver filled the entire chapel. The bullet flew from his gun and punched through the wall of the confessional. The old man could hear it whizz by his head and through the air, finally wedging itself into the concrete wall below the stained glass portrait of Saint Simon. He threw himself to the floor and looked around, stricken with panic, before stumbling to his feet and moving as quickly as he could towards the exit.
Henry calmly turned back to the priest, smiled widely and said, “Father, the decision to stay here and explode or run away and let a bunch of school children explode is up to you. I think I know you’ll make the right choice. So since you have…oh…about eight minutes left, I have a job for you that I’m sure you won’t mind undertaking.”
Henry reached into his pocket and produced the cell phone. He began dialing a number, and looked back up at the scared priest. Henry raised the back of his hand against his face and conspiratorially, told the priest, “I want you to tell the police exactly what’s going on.”
Chapter 13
Jake scrunched up his face with an expression of concern and looked over to his partner.
“Stace, he’s already at the next target. Get the chief and the L.T. over here so they can hear this.”
Stacey turned around and took off running through the front doors, still clutching her radio in one hand. As she disappeared into the front yard, Jake could hear her yelling to the chief and lieutenant who were standing together out on the street.
Jake fumbled with his phone, finding the right button to turn it to speakerphone. As he pressed the button, the gadget seemed to come to life.
Henry’s voice came across and he could barely be heard saying, “Take the damn phone. Take it.” There was a loud clunk that sounded like the phone had banged into something. Jake heard a loud noise like a door slamming and once again heard the even more distant voice of Henry say, “Goodbye, Father.”
Chief Lunkster and the SWAT Lieutenant rushed into the house with Stacey in tow. They circled around Jake, and began hushing other officers that were still walking around nearby. Chief Lunkster just looked over a Jake and wiped a bit of sweat from his brow.
“H-hello…” said a scared voice on the other end of the line.
“Hello, who is this? This is Detective Harris with the Winchester Police Department.”
“Oh…t-thank God. This man j-just came in here a-a-and…he fired off a gun. I don’t know if anyone is hurt.”
“It’s ok sir. Where are you?” Jake said.
“…I’m at Saint P-paul’s…the church. The man told me he put a bomb under my seat here in the confession booth. H-he’s crazy, sir. He said if I try to stand up then a…another bomb will blow up at Lee Arthur Miller Elementary. I think he said it was in the, uhm, the gym. I heard it beep under my seat. I…I think he’s telling the truth.”
Chief Lunkster’s eyes opened wide once he heard that Henry had placed a bomb at the elementary school. He spun his hand around wildly to attract the attention of one of the