Sugar and Spice

Sugar and Spice by Sheryl Berk Page B

Book: Sugar and Spice by Sheryl Berk Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sheryl Berk
perform—and she had a great idea how to make this cupcake order extra-special. “You know what would be fun? Delivering these cupcakes wearing Hawaiian hula costumes,” she suggested.
    â€œMy mom could sew them,” Jenna volunteered. “No problema. I’m thinking some really loud Hawaiian-print halter tops, silk flower leis, and grass skirts.”
    Herbie held up his hand in protest. “Oh, no! I draw the line at wearing a coconut shell bikini.”
    â€œYou’re off the hook, Herbie,” Kylie assured him, trying not to crack up. “You can drive us to the country club where they’re having the party, but we’ll do the actual hula entrance and cupcake hand-off.”
    â€œPhew!” Herbie mopped his brow with the back of his sleeve. “I’d be happy, however, to accompany you on the ukulele for your presentation.”
    Jenna rolled her eyes. “You play the ukulele? Seriously?”
    â€œI’ve been known to dabble,” Herbie answered.
    â€œSand…hula skirts…Hawaiian flavors, Herbie’s ukulele,” Kylie jotted down a list. “Are we leaving anything out?
    â€œHello? The Big 3-0!” Lexi reminded her. “It’s a thirtieth birthday party. How do we represent that?”
    â€œWe could use thirty ingredients in each cupcake!” Delaney piped up.
    â€œAnd we could be up all night baking!” Jenna corrected her. “That’s a whole lotta ingredients to pack in one tiny cupcake.”
    â€œI get fifteen or sixteen max,” Kylie said, listing the sugar, butter, eggs, milk, flour, and all the rest of the necessary fruits and spices on a sheet of paper. “Nice try, Lanie.”
    â€œWhat about arranging the cupcakes so they form the numbers three and zero?” Lexi said, using her colored pencils to whip up a quick sketch.
    â€œAnything with math and numbers scares me,” Sadie said, covering her eyes.
    â€œNo—it’s good! Really good!” Kylie patted her friend on the back. “We could build a wooden sandbox, fill it with our cookie crumb sand, and arrange the cupcakes to form a thirty in it.”
    â€œMy dad can build it for us,” Sadie assured them. “As long as you promise there are no algebra equations involved.”
    Lexi crossed her fingers over her heart. “Promise!”
    â€œThen it’s a plan,” Kylie said, shutting the cover to her Peace, Love, and Cupcakes club binder. “And a pretty cool one at that!”

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