Submission Under the Mistletoe
be safe.
    “ You didn’t leave,” she pressed
her face into his chest and wrapped her arms around his
    “ Never. I would keep you safe from
all harm if I could.”
    She believed him. And she understood his words. No
matter what had just happened with Reel the fact still remained
that this was it for them. She would be going to visit her family
soon and when she returned he would be in Baltimore.
    His hand rubbed her back and she winced.
    “ You’re hurt. Let me see.” He
leaned away from her and sat there waiting expecting her to do as
he requested.
    Normally, she would have told him she was fine and
escorted him to the door and surveyed her injuries after he was
gone. However, she didn’t want to think anymore tonight; she
    Holding her hands out to him, first she allowed him
to see the scrapes along her palms.
    He gently rubbed his thumbs over the tender flesh of
both her hands. “Not too bad, but you need them cleaned out.”
Raising his head and gazing into her eyes, he calmly instructed her
as if she were some skittish rabbit, “Get your antiseptic and gauze
if you have it.”
    Rising, she wordlessly went into her bathroom. She
didn’t spare a moment to look into the mirror at the desperate
submissive that would be looking back at her. With a heart for a
lifestyle where she wanted a dominant over her this was all she had
right now and she would take it, have this moment and be
appreciative of it. Under the skin she pulled out peroxide and a
small cotton pad and returned to the living room.
    “ Sit. I’ll do it.” He took the
items from her and waited for her to follow his command.
    Instead of sitting on the couch beside him, as she
was doing before, she took up a spot at his feet and rested her
hands palm up in his lap.
    Brad took in a quick breath, a gasp. She could see
both the shock and full awareness enter his intense dark brown
gaze. Staring at her, he searched her face. His features began to
relax and she hoped he recognized her submission and obedience to
    He gave a sharp nod of his head then began to work
on her hands. Inside one palm was a small pebble and he gingerly
worked it out of her hands. Soaking the cotton with the cleanser,
he patted her palms with such care.
    She could see him now as a physician’s assistant and
working with a patient in his care. He had a kind, competent face
and soothing touch.
    Lifting her hands, he blew on her small wounds and
caused heat to crawl along her arms and into her core, making her
sex throb. Her heart beat began a faster tempo.
    “ Thank you, Sir.”
    “ This is not all of them. Show me
your back, China Doll.”
    It was her turned to catch your breath at hearing
her name on his lips at such a moment. Slipping out of her heels,
she performed a smooth execution of rising from her knees to a
standing position. Something she had done hundreds of times before,
but never with such determination to please.
    Taking no more than a single step away from him, she
unclasped her belt and let it hit the floor with a thud. Next, she
unbuttoned the shirt he’d permitted her to keep, his shirt she
would always think of it. It soon arrived at the same destination
as the belt.
    She maintained eye contact with him as long as she
could as she turned and displayed her back for his inspection. Her
breathing was now heavy, matching the pace of her heart.
    She heard him rise and felt the heat of his broad
form behind her. His touch was light, barely gliding along her
    Her skin was sensitive and it felt alive every where
he caressed her. One finger slid along her spine and electric
currents followed in his wake. Air rushed in and out of her lungs
on a low moan. She was on fire under his hands.
    He unsnapped her red bra and pushed it off her
shoulders until it fell away. She wasn’t shy, he’d seen her naked
before. Had made love to her all night. However, she felt revealed,
open; like he could see more than just her body, but her soul.
Quakes rocked

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